Tuesday, February 24, 2015

+++ +++ Greece crisis: These reforms suggests Greece … – ABC Online

+++ +++ Greece crisis: These reforms suggests Greece … – ABC Online

Updated on Tuesday, 24.02.2015, 13:05
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Just before deadline is Greece and the euro partner in debt dispute have agreed. The utility is extended by four months. Athens sets in return to reform list. But the content there are new argument.

Brussels time being satisfied

12.57 clock The Greek reform proposals, in the opinion of the participating EU institutions and the IMF currently sufficient. For a starting point for an extension of the grants is given, told the news agency dpa immediately before a conference of the euro finance ministers from EU circles.

vote on Friday

12.18 Clock: German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) has in the Bundestag, the extension of the aid program Greece requested . “Against the backdrop of the confession of Greece to its commitments and understanding in the Euro group, the Federal Government supports the proposed extension,” says the request of the Federal Ministry of Finance, which was released Tuesday on the website of the Bundestag.

However, Schäuble makes the application for extension of the program for Greece for four months under the provided that sufficient Greece’s reform commitments makes . An application for renewal “is made subject to a first list of reform measures Greece (…) has promised,” says the document. “Institutions will submit their initial assessment as to whether these measures constitute a sufficiently comprehensive starting point for a successful completion of the ongoing program review.”

The Bundestag decides, according to Union Parliament CEO Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU) Friday morning roll-call vote on the extension of aid for Greece. Is a prerequisite for this process that the creditor institutions and the euro zone finance ministers on Tuesday are the plans for reform of Athens sufficient.

Euro group will advise the afternoon on Greek request for help

11.55 Clock: Now comes movement in the negotiations: The euro group on Tuesday from 14 clock advise in a conference call to discuss the Greek request for help. This was announced by Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem with Twitter.

This is in Bitt -Brief the Greeks

11.44 Clock: Quasi at the last minute has filed its much-anticipated reform list in Brussels Greece. Intended to provide further rescue aid of EUR partner. As is clear from the letter, the government in

Athens will resolutely tackle tax avoidance.

It also says the war on corruption. The following are the main points of the list to allow an extension of the current emergency loans for the cash-strapped country

The overview.

. 1 Tax policy:

The government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras wants a Value Added Tax Reform tackle. In addition to tax be collected efficiently . In addition, it should be Greeks difficult to push themselves to make payments to the Treasury by avoidance strategies. Central to this strategy is to grasp the concept of tax fraud legally continue. The aim should be whole, to create a “new culture of tax compliance” .

. 2 Minimum wage

After “image” information from Athens redundant public servants should be revealed but not set again and the Greek minimum wage are not replenished to 751 euros before the crisis.

. 3 Administration and Justice:

“Greece wants a modern public administration,” it says in the reform proposals. In this case, the fight against corruption in the rank of a “national priority” collected and announced an action plan: It should also increase action against smugglers and the fight against money laundering are forced

. There are concrete proposals for reduce bureaucracy : The number of ministries will be reduced from 16 to ten. At the same time, the government wants to reduce the number of “special adviser” in the state apparatus. Finally, the privileges of ministers, MPs and senior officials to be circumcised. Are specifically mentioned limousine service, travel expenses and allowances.

The tariff structure in the public sector should be reformed . The government promises not overturn the existing wage limits.

In addition to the Justice system modernized . Specifically mentioned, a new Code of Civil Procedure and the digitization of law books. Also cadastre should be reformed.

. 4 Financial Stability:

The financial situation is to be improved rapidly by more revenue . Greece is committed to bringing in consultation with the EU, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund rapidly laws on the way that will allow repayments on outstanding tax liabilities and social security contributions . The concept of “Troika” for the three overseers of the reform policy is avoided. Instead of “institutions” is mentioned.

I nsolvenzrecht to be modernized and deferred cases processed. Greece is committed to the reform of the pension system , incentives for early retirement will be deleted.

At the same time wants to take action the government against the social hardship in the country enhanced and may issue, among other food stamps. In alleviating the “humanitarian crisis” in Greece, the government wants to ensure that these costs are not “negative” by beating on the budget.

. 5 Privatization

The Government asserts that completed privatization should not be turned back. In the current bidding process, the legislation should be considered. However, privatization projects are again put to the test: The expression “the long-term benefits” for the state in the foreground

Video: Step in right direction – agreement in the debt dispute with Greece

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Overview: +++ Greek crisis +++

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