The situation in Greece is always tricky: the country has indeed filed a new application, but the rejects the federal government. The previous negotiations were mostly failed due to the design of the Euro Group -. And knock at two little words
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Will the assistance extended only four instead of six months?
20.03 Clock: The finance ministers discuss according to Reuters about a four-month extension of Greece aids. Athens Finance Varoufakis had requested in his letter an extension of the “Agreement on financial assistance” for six months in order to avert a Greek bankruptcy.
Athens has reports of Varoufakis letter as “morbid imagination” back
19.50 Clock: Athens has strictly rejected on Friday a newspaper report suggesting that Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis should have reworded the application for renewal of the grant before submitting it. “The morbid imagination of some reached the level of a provocation,” it said on Friday from the Athens government. These things that transpired in the press, were a “calumny which has nothing to do with reality”
‘objections are still possible “
19.33 clock.: is still struggling to reach an agreement. While they already see some diplomats in scope and of “general optimism” is mentioned, reportedly also from the negotiations, that it was possible that “there are objections from the delegations.” From EU sources said, meanwhile, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras asked the afternoon EU Council President Donald Tusk to convene a summit of Heads of State and Government on Sunday, if the finance ministers fail again. Records
In Brussels a breakthrough from
18.58 Clock: In debt dispute between Greece and the euro partners, a breakthrough emerges. Diplomats reported in preliminary talks to Euro finance ministers meeting there was support for a proposed agreement. Both sides had agreed on a design that could lead to a prolongation of the current aid program, said a representative of the Greek government and the Euro- zone in Brussels. The draft is currently being presented to the euro finance ministers, said the Greek representative. Details would be worked out later if possible. According to a representative of the Euro-zone has Euro Group CEO Jeroen Dijsselbloem submitted to the Ministers a two-page paper
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Special Meeting to Greece has started
18.40 Clock: has the special meeting of euro zone finance ministers to Greece crisis started three and a half hours late. This was confirmed by negotiators in the evening in Brussels. The ministers of the 19 euro countries met in Brussels at about 18.30 clock. Previously Euro Group CEO Jeroen Dijsselbloem had tried declared to explore with the “key players” trade-offs. It is already the third meeting of euro zone finance ministers to Greece within ten days.
beginning of the finance ministers delayed further
18.00 Clock: The beginning of the Euro finance ministers to the Greek debt crisis has been delayed on Friday next. A new start time was not immediately known in the evening. Originally, the Minister of 15 clock on wanted advice about the new request for help from Athens. The start time was not to be stopped. Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem had previously spoken of complicated preliminary
Austria. Greek letter is not “one to one” accept
17.50 Clock: Austrian Finance Minister Hans Jörg Schelling holds the request of the Greeks to an extension of the grants not specific enough. One can not write “one-to-one take,” Schelling said before the start of the Euro group meeting in Brussels on Friday. The request to leave too much room for
EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner in debt dispute cautiously optimistic
17.45 Clock: EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici acted before the special meeting on the debt dispute with Greece was optimistic. “I am convinced that an agreement is possible,” he said in Brussels on Friday before a meeting of euro zone finance ministers. “I believe that the positions have converged. But there is still some work to do.”
Basically, everyone wanted to keep Greece in the currency union, so Moscovici. “There is only one plan, and looks like this: Greece in the euro zone, with a good agreement with its partners, which also allowed the country to develop, to come back to economic growth, improve social justice, but the Greece also allows to respect its obligations. ”
economy: Grexit might euro area strengthen
17.05 Clock: Four of the five German “economic experts” warn the Greeks before fatal errors in the current debt dispute. The government in Athens mistaken if they believe that Greece is indispensable for the monetary union , write the members of the German Council Lars Feld, Christoph Schmidt, Isabel Schnabel and Volker Wieland and the Secretary General of the Council, Benjamin Weigert, in an analysis of how the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” on Friday reported. Thus, a Euro-exit of Greece would not weaken the currency area compelling: “In the current situation could be a Grexit – ultimately unintentionally – even cause the opposite.”
Because this would the credibility of the institutional framework strengthened and consolidated the integrity of the euro area. The economic experts warn: “Greece has elected a government whose actions threaten to significantly worsen the situation.” The Greek government has analyzed economic policy alternatives faulty and assessed its international negotiation situation wrong.
Separate preliminary talks with Schäuble and Varoufakis
16.38 Clock: The special meeting of euro zone finance ministers to Greece to start with a two-hour delay by 17 clock . “I do not say that it is quite complicated to you,” said Euro Group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem in Brussels on Friday. He initially negotiating with key stakeholders, “It will take some time, but there is still cause for optimism.”
According to the Greek delegation were where separate talks with Germany and Greece planned : Schäuble and Varoufakis should therefore successively with Euro Group CEO Jeroen Dijsselbloem, IMF chief Christine Lagarde and EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici talk. The “unusual method” showed how difficult is the situation, BelTA learned from the environment of Varoufakis
Greeks sent the wrong letter to Brussels and Berlin
16.07 clock. Embarrassing error or another feint? The message sent on Wednesday by the Greek Government to the Euro-Group Request for new grants appears to have been reformulated by Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, before he was sent to Euro-group head Dijsselbloem. This was reported by “Bild” newspaper.
According to the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had drafted a resolution in consultation with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Euro-Group CEO Jeroen Dijsselbloem on Wednesday in order to to secure the agreement of the euro countries. However,
His finance minister Varoufakis then sent a modified version of Tsipras-letter against the agreement lacked assurance in that the grants to the conditions to be applied , as they had arranged the Greek previous government, the newspaper reports.
Schäuble had received the amended version on Wednesday evening, was therefore surprised on Thursday by writing in any way. This also explains the prompt and clear rejection of writing, with the astonished Schäuble many observers. Greece’s Prime Minister Tsipras had tried in talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel and Euro-group head Dijsselbloem to limit the damage, writes the “diagram”.
Varoufakis-handedness was “an administrative error”. Of course, the Greek government was in principle to the reform efforts of the previous government. Details are negotiable
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