Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Building renovation: But no tax bonus for Wärmedämmer – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Building renovation: But no tax bonus for Wärmedämmer – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



          Artisans earn good at energy refurbishment.


What is surpr ising is the fact already decided by federal and state governments billions in tax bonus for the insulation of buildings have come to a halt, reports the news agency dpa. “About tax incentives for the energy performance of buildings in the coalition committee could not be agreed,” it says in a letter of SPD parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann to the members of his group, which is present dpa. This Oppermann informed about this previously unknown details of the coalition meeting on Tuesday.


Thus, it remains for the time being citizens at the applicable tax deductibility rules for contractor costs. In December, the Prime Minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) primarily had agreed to the project being sought for years. The aim is to promote energy saving through the tax-advantaged replacement windows and old boilers and through better insulation.


The compromise stipulated that homeowners can deduct a portion of their costs from the tax. However Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) locked himself last, however, that, in turn, the so-called craft bonus is to be melted. Here, individuals can deduct 20 percent of the labor costs of their tax liability. This should in future be possible only for services above 300 EUR.

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The new building redevelopment bonus should cost more federal and state governments around

one billion euros per year. Building owners should retroactively from January to deduct 10 to 25 percent of their rehabilitation costs of the tax burden. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has repeatedly stressed the importance and also to additional sources of revenue through renovations: “We have so often calculated that the VAT revenue more into the coffers comes as the defaults in the fiscal area,” she said in January                          

Oppermann emphasized in the letter, the Ministry of Economy check now alternatively to increase grant programs of the KfW bank.

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building renovation

But no tax bonus for Wärmedämmer


Who will upgrade his house to save energy, was supposed to sell a large part of the cost of the tax from this year. It is now probably nothing.

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