The top management and the works of the company have achieved after months of difficult negotiations an agreement on the job cuts at the department store chain. But it does not have the last word on the Karstadt rehabilitation.
They were difficult negotiations at Karstadt. For months haggled the council of the weakened department store chain and the Executive Management’s a balance of interests and a social plan for those affected by branch closures and layoffs employees. At times, the talks had been just before the failure, reported on the weekend of the Central Works Council. “Hard and intensive negotiations,” said the group. But in the end was an acceptable compromise for both sides.
“We are pleased with the outcome under the circumstances, very satisfied,” the council chairman Hellmut Patzelt said Saturday after the conclusion of the talks. The council had succeeded in negotiations with the top management, the number of planned layoffs – to halve almost – for example through retirement and early retirement: 2750 to 1400. For the still of layoffs affected not to have a transfer company in order to further qualifications.
“Have you reached our goal,”
Even in the dispute over the planned loud Works “Abgruppierung” of nearly 2,000 retailers to lower-paying Regaleinräumern the works achieved by means of a conciliation board one for the employees tolerable compromise. While there will continue to be a distinction between employees in sales and lower paid service teams for the supply of goods also at Karstadt. But to change terminations and Abgruppierungen for existing employees, the group wants to do without. Karstadt is here now claims to be based on voluntary turnover.
“Our goal – to create a transfer company and the prevention
In Video: clear for Karstadt employees
But the Karstadt tip was satisfied. The compromise the company is a major step forwards in the restructuring efforts, the Group also emphasized. Man lying now “one hundred percent on schedule the necessary remedial”.
In fact, with the agreement now clears the way for the planned from the new Karstadt CEO Stephan Fanderl job cuts in the Essen traditional company. Which is quite drastic. In addition to the closure of six sites with a total of 350 employees is to be reduced by good works every tenth data point in the stores and one in four in the center.
For the trading experts Thomas Roeb of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences is the unification of the “currently perhaps the most important step to improve the cost structure of Karstadt”. A key prerequisite for the rehabilitation was achieved. Decisive, however, will be at the end, if the Group is now also succeed to stop the decline in sales and again to do better business.
Tuesday to be negotiated again
The last word in the conversion of ailing traditional company is expected of so painstakingly elaborated compromise does not, however, have been. For CEO Fanderl had made it clear in the past year that it will not stick to the previously announced closure of six stores well. In another eight to ten stores would you seek individual solutions. “We are talking about with the landlord if there are alternative uses for the site and there is a chance earlier to get out of the current lease” the manager said at the time the “Handelsblatt”.
For the trade union Verdi has therefore in collective bargaining for the department store chain, the demand for location and employment guarantees remain a priority. Already on Tuesday to be negotiated again between management and labor.
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