The Mitfahrdienst Uber has rejected a magazine report that the company will stop the expansion of its business in Germany. “Uber does not set the expansion in Germany. Nor is there a general partner recruitment of drivers, “said a spokesman Uber on Sunday told Reuters.
The “Business Week” reported in its latest issue, under the heading “expansion stopped”, an offer of Mitfahrdienstes over the previous cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt and Dusseldorf addition, it will not initially give.
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In addition, no new drivers would in cities where Uber should require only 35 cents per kilometer, recruited , The Reuters news agency said a company spokesman, was correct that “Over in the cities where the service Uber is offered Pop to 35 cents per kilometer, can not grow as fast as the actually necessary due to the demand.”
About mediated via an app running opportunities of private car owners. According to both authorities and courts in Germany in violation of the duty of laws that regulate the commercial passenger transport.
In an interview with the F.A.Z. had a company director Travis Kalanick struck softer tones in January and offered compromises. Uber would comply with the laws in force in Germany, Kalanick said. But he also stressed: “We will not give up our business in Germany.”
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