Euro rises more than $ 1.12
8.03 Clock: The Euro has its strong previous day’s gains on Wednesday still expanded a bit. In the morning, the euro was slightly higher than the day before at 1.1249 US dollars, thus. On Tuesday, the euro had risen by more than a cent, the reference rate was (ECB) on Tuesday afternoon at 1.1239 from the European Central Bank: Dollar has been fixed (Monday 1.1142).
In the currency market, the attention is focused on a series of important economic data from the euro zone. At noon, data can all contribute to a new impetus for economic growth and price development in Germany, France and Italy as well as for growth in the single currency area. Finally, the prospect had given impetus to stronger growth in the euro zone the single currency.
German Telekom boosted
7.51 Clock: The rapid growth in the US and the favorable Euro have Deutsche Telekom brought at the beginning of strong growth. Sales moved in the first three months in 2015 year on year by 13 percent to 16.8 billion euros as the Dax -Konzern on Wednesday in Bonn announced. Success the company experienced this in Germany with the development in revenues in the mobile and relatively few layoffs in the fixed network.
The bottom line profit fell to 1.82 billion euros last year, however, with EUR 787 million this time considerably narrower – but then also a billionaire-recurring income from the sale of shares had driven the surplus in the amount. This time, suggested among other one-time settlement payment of EUR 175 million positive impact. The annual forecasts, the company confirmed.
before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, and adjusted for special items such as severance payments and costs of the Group restructuring, earnings by 11 percent to 4.57 billion euros. For almost solely responsible of continued strong upswing by T-Mobile US. There came more than half of the increase in operating profit from the favorable exchange rate development.
Piëch-appearance at the Porsche general meeting eagerly awaited
7.40 Clock: Whether he comes or not, Ferdinand Piëch is expected this Wednesday (10.00 clock) provide variety to the general meeting of Porsche SE . It would be the first joint appearance of Piëch and Martin Winterkorn after VW -Führungsstreit. Winterkorn is in personal union also CEO of Porsche Holding. VW patriarch Piëch is still inspector at the Porsche Holding. So far he has not canceled his coming at the meeting.
In recent years, there have been at general meetings only two topics: The lawsuits by the takeover battle between Porsche and Volkswagen and the potential acquisitions that make the Porsche SE with their money from the sale of sports car maker Porsche AG wants , Now even the week-long power struggle with VW is expected to be discussed, which culminated as VW supervisory board in Piëch’s retreat.
Era Reithofer of BMW comes to an end – and restarts
Wednesday, May 13, 7.32 Clock: BMW CEO Norbert Reithofer has this Wednesday his last day of work, at least as CEO. Without employment of the Manager but then not be. At the AGM in Munich’s Olympiahalle (10.00), shareholders are likely to elect him to the Supervisory Board of the car manufacturer, where he is probably still selected in the late afternoon as Chairman – and future control his successor Harald Krüger.
BMW is as shiny and hurried into the era Reithofer from record to record. Also in 2015 went off well, the expensive cars of Bavaria are in great demand worldwide. Criticism of the shareholders off the major shareholders of the Quandt family will hardly give – apart from Reithofer change in the Supervisory Board. Because the Aktiengesetz wants boards pause two years before the change in the body.
However, the law allows an exception: if the choice is made to the proposal of shareholders holding more than 25 percent stake in the company – in other words, if the owners want. In the case of BMW is the Quandt family, which holds nearly 47 percent together. You want Reithofer and they have the necessary confidence in Kruger. The former head of production will continue and sharpen Reithofer course during the meeting the head of the Dax Group and is
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