executives of Deutsche Post should have threatened strike participants with job loss. SPD leader Gabriel responded with a letter to the chief executive.
Deutsche Post employees in a warning strike in early April in Munich | © Sven Hoppe / dpa
The union Ver.di accuses the Deutsche Post, according to a newspaper report, to threaten strikers with loss of their jobs. Affected are those workers who have only a temporary contract, reported the Süddeutsche Zeitung in its Wednesday edition, citing ver.di. The union this support to calls, memory minutes and notes of those affected. The Post dismissed the allegations at the request of newspaper
An employee quoted an executive according to the report by saying that looked “higher authorities” on who strikes and who is not. “And who already given the note that they look closely at just temporary powers to the contracts. ” In a distribution center of the ladder have with all fixed-term employees, who participated in a warning strike, conducted individual interviews. “Some are totally intimidated and told me that they participate more in any strike”, then a staff representative of the union had reported.
The union turned then Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) in the matter a. Ver.di Vice Andrea Kocsis put the allegations, according to Süddeutsche Zeitung in anonymous quotes in a four-page letter to the SPD leader Gabriel together and said, time, choice of words and lines of reasoning blended to form a “systematically controlled image “.
Gabriel urges respect for workers’ rights
Gabriel kept the allegations appear credible. In his capacity as SPD chairman, he had invited the chief executive of the Post, Frank Appel to comment. The Süddeutsche Zeitung quoted from the letter: “Apparently supervisors have exercised pressure to bring Ver.di members against their union in position.” All employers, “but especially the large companies with federal involvement”, but must “be demanded unconditional respect both personal and collective workers’ rights”. The Confederation holds at the post office still 21 percent.
The German Post responded to the request of the Süddeutsche Zeitung with a written statement of a speaker. It is “not part of our leadership and communication understanding to put pressure on Ver.di members”, the newspaper quoted from it. “But of course, that our leaders our employees explain the view of the company the need to create more competitive wages intense and discuss with them,” It is. The conflict is about wages, working hours and the plan of the post to outsource some of the parcels business.
Post should have deducted too much wage
Ver.di raises the Post also claims to have withdrawn in April strikers too much wage – namely per strike 1/23 of their wages, although only 1/30 would have been admissible. For this, the post had stated that it would now change their practice. With the payment of wages in June will be “corrected” the April payment and refunded the difference. The spokeswoman of the Greens parliamentary group on workers’ rights, Beate Müller-Gemmeke, said the federal government had “finally use their influence on the supervisory board, so that the post back is at a fair dealing”.
DGB chief Reiner Hoffmann said Image , the mail copy the low-wage strategy of foreign competitors. “This is socially irresponsible.” In labor dispute with the company to work shorter hours and higher wages Ver.di launched on Tuesday a multi-day nationwide strike wave.

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