Saturday, May 16, 2015

Nahles crashes Job Center to the Conveyor Chaos – THE WORLD

proudly presented Labour Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) in November their offensive against the long-term unemployment in Germany : With wage subsidies it wants to help 43,000 hard to place unemployed people without qualifications back to a regular job. One billion euros, the Minister announced, would be issued for it. Six months later, shows the dark side of the well-intentioned program: In order to finance the new special measures for long-term unemployed, Nahles must save in their budget elsewhere

mid-March were given the job center post of the Ministry of Labour: They were informed that they can get far less funding in the coming years than previously promised. In just the next three years, 750 million euros less, as is clear from a reply of the Ministry to request the green labor market politician Brigitte Pothmer. The money is instead provided in the new federal programs to combat long-term unemployment.

The green politician complains Nahles have overthrown the Job Center in a veritable “funding chaos”. “The news reached the Job Center in the middle of the program and financial plans for the coming years,” criticizes Pothmer. “Intended measures were thus adopted overnight questioned, partly already published tenders had to be withdrawn.” From “communicative dilettantism” speaks Pothmer, because the reduction in so-called commitment appropriations in the budget was made without notice or consultation. The scope for the job center will be considerably limited, criticized the politician. Criticism also comes from the German County Association: “The capabilities of the Job Center should not be restricted by getting new federal programs for small groups of people”, calling for the counties in its reply to a hearing before the Parliamentary Committee on work next Monday. While the federal programs just 40,000 people benefited, would be available for around 4.4 million employable Hartz IV recipients less available. Especially long-term and multi-annual measures, such as for training and professional education and training, are concerned.

For example, in North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state. There Job Center can not fund multi-year training for young people more because Nahles has slashed the commitment appropriations for the following years. For the coming year the center by ten per cent, for the year were subsequently reduced by 40 to 50 percent. “Planning and tendering of training courses for the target group of disadvantaged young people in the legal sphere of SGB II (Hartz IV) is made in this way impossible,” according to a letter from the Regional Working Group Jugendsozialarbeit to the Minister in Berlin . So were many young people who would currently made fit in youth workshops, production schools or vocational preparation schemes for education, no access and transition to another funding program.

an urgent letter was the Federal Ministry of Labour and from the red-green governed Bremen, where the funds were cut at a similar rate. Thus, the planning of the job center would “put a major question mark”. 70 percent of Hartz IV recipients in Bremen are dependent already more than two years to support. “It is undisputed that for the employment and integration of long-term relating to qualification-many and mostly personal placement obstacles a long-term funding is appropriate,” the work Senator writes to Berlin. 68 percent of Hartz IV recipients have no vocational qualification, they also may be dependent on funding over several years. Therefore, the Bremer ask Nahles “urgent”, the cuts “to critically review” and return to the old commitments -. However, so far in vain

“in mid-March were asked the job center with a fait accompli, more than six weeks later, there are for them still no new progress, “criticizes the green labor market politician Pothmer. The Ministry of Labour is now trying to negotiate with the Federal Minister of Finance to find a solution. In addition, the Ministry points out that nationwide still more funds for rehabilitation measures available even after the cuts in commitment appropriations are available, as has actually been spent in the past year. This argument is not convincing Pothmer. “It ignores that the Job Center at last in longer-term measures in particular need to invest for long-term unemployed more if they want to work more successful and sustainable than ever before.” The Ministry of Labour must now deploy quickly for a fundamental increase in funding commitments.

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