Targeted indiscretion in Athens? The central bank has drawn up an interim balance of government Tsipras – and found devastating cash outflows. The mail to a journalist allegedly came from the environment of the central bankers. Premier Tsipras to be beside himself.
- week of decision has begun.
- Greece advertises rescheduling.
- European Commission warned to hurry.
In a Nutshell : The Bank of Greece is the new government of Alexis Tsipras made a damning testimony. Brisant: The central bank chief could have thrown at Tsipras’ positions even an eye. He may have even caused a publication of the balance sheet. Meanwhile complained the IMF European head the Greek finance minister. In an internal letter indicate IMF staff suggests that a rapid deal was necessary
Ilves:. Estonia for financial discipline “German than the Germans”
12.53 Clock: In solving the Greek debt crisis, the Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves sees demanded fiscal discipline. “We believe that fiscal responsibility is actually the way to remain solvent,” Ilves, who travels on Monday to a multi-day state visit to Germany, the German Press Agency said. “We are in this respect more German than the Germans. . Ultimately, if not, that if you are in the Euro zone, you have to stick to the rules “
Ilves hoped it does not come to a Greek exit from the euro zone, but added” adhere to the rules that have been agreed and if we all do with it – how long would the euro zone remain “
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Dombrovskis urges Greece to quickly submit Reform List
11.20 Clock: The Deputy EU President Valdis Dombrovskis, the Greek Government urged again to quickly present a list of reforms to get more bailout payments. During Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) in front of a withdrawal of Greece warned of the euro zone and a third rescue package for Athens did not rule out, leaned Union parliamentary leader Volker Kauder (CDU) a discussion on.
“We have a lot of time lost. Now take the ride on negotiations, but we still need to up a gear, “said Dombrovskis of the” Bild “newspaper on Saturday. Only when Greece concluding the next stage of the reform program, the latest agreed payments for the current aid program could flow.
Especially with the recovery of public finances, on pensions and the labor market, the government must do more, Dombrovskis said , Athens must now “propose reforms and reject not only suggestions,” warned the Commission Vice-Chief.
The highly indebted euro zone threatened with insolvency if it does not soon receive an outstanding auxiliary tranche of 7.2 billion euros. Before its release, the financiers of European Union and International Monetary Fund urge but concrete reform commitments
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Kauder: “The situation is very difficult”
08.39 Clock: Union parliamentary leader Volker Kauder rejects additional aid for Greece. It now go to the final tranche of the second bailout package, the CDU politician told the “Welt am Sonntag”. “We should not talk about a third.”
Kauder lamented lack of cooperation of the Greeks. “The situation is very difficult,” he said. “The Greeks have to show that they go on the agreed way.”
Gabriel warns: A Grexit would be “extremely dangerous” – Third aid package is possible
Sunday, May 17 , 07.01 clock: Federal Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) has warned in strong terms against a withdrawal of Greece from the euro zone and brought a third rescue package for Athens from Gespärch. Gabriel told the “Bild am Sonntag”: “The withdrawal of Greece would not be economically, but politically extremely dangerous. If the first country goes, the rest of the world, Europe will look different. No one will have more confidence in Europe if we break up in the first major crisis. We should not bring about the Grexit talk. “
The SPD leader holds a third rescue package for possible if Athens fulfills its obligations. “This is due to the Greek Government. Now Prime Minister Tsipras has proposed a referendum on the necessary reforms, perhaps the accelerate decisions. A third aid package for Athens is only possible if the reforms are implemented. We can not just send money there “
Secret Letter:. Greece needs quick deal for IMF loan
23:45 Clock: The British Channel 4 is an internal and confidential letter from the International Monetary Fund, which implies that Greece and its lenders have come to an agreement in the next few days – otherwise the Greeks threatened the financial From
On June 5, namely Greece needs to repay a loan from the IMF, which is not possible According to the letter without a new deal with the negotiating partners. Due to the tight schedule had to be met as early as next week in Riga an agreement well.
Should a deal be missed and Greece’s debt to the IMF can not pay back from 5 June threatens noisy “image” within a very short time an end to all aid payments to Greece and ultimately probably a resignation of the country out of the euro.
The main problems are plans by the Greek government, for example, to pensions and the reinstatement of officials. On the other hand
is however also read critical differences between the financial backers of the IMF, ECB and EU, which could prevent the emergence of a deal in the video:. Greece stokes with World War Video anti-German sentiment
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