Tuesday, May 19, 2015

GDL strike 2015: Weselsky throws Bahn Aussitz strategy before – THE WORLD

Shortly before the start of the new train driver strikes has again attacked the German rail union chief Claus Weselsky sharp. “We see management trying the ride out, which holds out to us,” he said on Tuesday in the ARD “Morning Magazine”. The train was not even able to negotiate a settlement agreement with the GDL.

The German train drivers union (GDL) begins on Tuesday by 15 clock with their next walkout, the first freight. As of Wednesday morning by 2 clock the passenger is then again on strike.

The German Railway wants to prevent the announced recent strike by train drivers at the last minute. Bahn board member Ulrich Weber announced on Tuesday in the ARD television: “We are sitting in the course of the day from 11 clock with the GDL at a table.” For this they would consult a labor lawyer external. “We want the objective experts talk about. How do we get in the arbitration, which topics are of Arbitration accessible” At issue is the design of collective agreements to terms, money and time.

prevent the strike yet?

“We want to make an appointment with the experts and discuss so that we then hopefully can make an agreement on arbitration,” said Weber. The question is whether by the strike could still be averted, Weber answered cautiously. “I will not say, but that’s our goal,” he said. He’ll go anyway confident and with a willingness to compromise in the announced call. . The GDL should have an interest in resolving the conflict

Man standing at any time for negotiations available Weselsky said – but was not prepared in a negotiate settlement on the issue of collective unity: “It is ultimately our basic right to conclude a collective agreement for our members – and no matter whether the deviates from a different collective agreement or not.”

The strike money get the train drivers per working day of struggle by the union, will be increased from 75 to 100 euros. By December, it was still at 50 euros. Despite the increase forfeited striking train drivers income a, Weselsky said.

Also an interruption is possible

The actual substantive issues of collective dispute with the railway are not unsolvable, Weselsky said. Should there be a mediation, the GDL was also able to end the labor dispute within a short time of 12 to 24 hours. An interruption of the strike is also possible. “Everything depends on the Executive Board of Deutsche Bahn from.”

An end date is not called the GDL initially expected but also the busy Whitsun weekend will be affected. The regular strikers to be until 48 hours before announced by the GDL information. German Rail plans to release a replacement schedule on Tuesday.

In the muddled labor dispute the GDL boss also sees the federal government as the owner of the web of duty. “You can not just watch, burn money and whining that so much money is destroyed, while the money sufficient to all to use the wage demands of the GDL here,” Weselsky said in “Morning Magazine”.

  • Burst negotiations
  • Lokrangierführer
  • Position of GDL
  • Attitude train
  • collective bargaining
  • money
  • Act on the bargaining unit

It is already the ninth GDL strike in the soon-year contract talks. The union accuses the train, not to negotiate seriously and to wait for the bargaining unit, the law of the Federal Government. This will be decided on Friday in parliament and limit the influence of craft unions.

support the federal government

core the conflict is that the GDL will not only train drivers for a collective bargaining agreement, but also to train staff and Rangierführer. However, this aim also the larger Railway and Transport union at (EVG), which negotiates with the train again on Thursday. The state-owned company rejects different contracts for the same group of employees from.

The train for some time penetrates already a conciliation with the GDL while preserving support of the federal government. Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt said he had no more understanding of the strikes. Collective partnership undertake to search for compromises.

Weselsky said the GDL was also to hold talks with the participation of third parties during the strike ready. One could also enter into a conciliation. “I want to dispel the myth that the GDL to compromise is capable of.”

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