Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Weselsky System: With these four methods enslaves the train blackmailer … – ABC Online

Tuesday, 19.05.2015, 20:55
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Claus Weselsky is unstoppable. Without regard to losses of GDL boss reinserted the entire train in Germany lame – and no one can stop him. Whoever? Critics, he turns off easy. So tough to Weselsky acknowledges the way in GDL free

. “This time, really long!” – With these words Claus Weselsky has to re-mega-strike called labor dispute with Deutsche Bahn. This triggers not only among the public at Deutsche Bahn head shaking. Even within the Union of anger at Weselskys growing all-or-nothing strategy: The train drivers are long gone solidly behind their union boss. Fewer and fewer members serve for his strike targets. The last rail strike more train drivers reported for duty clearly than expected.

Weselsky that does not seem to be interested. He’s a tough guy. If he sees no point in negotiating, he remains the talks just away – as happened at the weekend, claiming the train. Weselsky see the progress of negotiations naturally completely different: The train had got up from the negotiating table, he says. And the track feels increasingly blackmailed.

yourself say something can be the union boss apparently by anyone. Within the GDL is also difficult – there is simply no one who may have Weselsky in their place. Because who has created a circle of followers and a cleverly ruling system. Four methods, has dispelled with because the GDL boss any resistance in his union

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. 1 Monitor critics and off

For the past two and a half years Weselsky has quasi free play within the GDL leadership. Those who do not play by his rules, has to go. A strong man behind Weselsky is practically nonexistent. “Those who are not on line, Weselsky removed from his environment,” says Dieter Kowalsky. He sat for 17 years in the GDL Federal Executive – to Weselsky took the lead of the union. In March 2013, he founded the “Initiative for Democracy and rule of law in GDL” (InDemoRe GDL), the public is opposed to the union boss.

The foundation of InDemoRe reflects a grave struggle within the GDL. A trigger was the departure of Deputy Chairman Olaf Schulz-NRW Arimond and the then NRW-district chiefs Frank Schmidt. They came back in the spring of 2013, due to health and personal reasons, so the official reason. In truth, the whole thing had been a “clean-up”, those affected say.

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You have been critical of the representation claim of GDL also for the conductor – is one of Weselskys hobby horses. The resentment of the union boss had gone so far that he – as Kowalsky -. Even allowed to read the e-mails and SMS the two chairmen

The two then vice chief Sven Grünwoldt and Thorsten Weske had to leave in 2013. They had quarreled because of a loan from the union for green Woldts construction with the GDL boss. Weselskys predecessor Manfred Schell also resigned as honorary chairman – in protest against Weselsky. Now he is engaged in the InDemoRe initiative and one of the biggest critics of the GDL leaders

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. 2 Board on a short leash keep

Weselsky surrounds since then with a yes-man committee, says Weselsky critics Kowalsky. “He has enthroned two new CEO, who were agreeable to him.” The men at his side, Norbert Quitter and Lutz Schreiber, however, are hardly known to the public. Whereas previously the whole board was yet come before the press, Weselsky do that now exclusively on its own, criticized Kowalsky. “You might as well say something wrong.”

Also, Manfred Schell, Weselskys predecessor as GDL boss and still union member confirmed: “The main board has become a society that is ‘yes’ to everything, Amen says. “Weselsky tried Schell to expel from the GDL – so far without success.

. 3 Critical members hush

The InDemoRe criticized the GDL boss publicly. And Weselsky? “The silent us dead,” says Kowalsky. In this case, more and more union members rally behind the initiative. 1500 GDLer have subscribed to Internet, according to the initiative, make the Kowalsky and the 20 to 30 other people behind their criticism InDemoRe publicly. The range go beyond, affirmed Kowalsky.

The “age-Star Radicals” and “eternal yesterday” called Weselsky the activists who adhere to the principles of democracy and the rule of law within the Union.

. 4 No compromise

Claus Weselsky wants everything – and no compromises. Various interim deals Deutsche Bahn, he refused, in spite of efforts of the group of the now ninth warning strike has started – only eight days after the last 127-hour walkout ended in passenger traffic. “A strike must be the last resort,” complains Kowalsky. “Only being negotiated. But Weselsky negotiated yes no. “

Weselsky’ve striven in the GDL always for power, describes trade union colleague Kowalsky. “When he was still an employee, I had to work with him in bargaining. He had never inhibitions negotiators falling into word, rubbing against chairman and playing in the foreground. “

The behavior of the union bosses is now pure power politics. With the collective agreements that called for the conductor and engineer he would “always bring more members under his control and the EVG competition” make so Kowalsky. “Defiance” Manfred Schell called his successor. “He believes everything he says, he can prevail – and thinks of himself as the incarnation of right and good.”

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