A tactician is GDL boss Claus Weselsky doubt. Sunday is always one of the strongest travel days at Deutsche Bahn (DB), and thus the walkout the group hurts really the conclusion that GDL members have their work resumed only at 9.00 clock – well after the start of service. The train therefore needs a very time to bring the trains and the staff at the correct locations.
So the timetable was for Sunday again in bucket. And the impact of the strike in the passenger will draw up in the new week. “We believe that the regional and suburban railway traffic from Monday morning again largely at scheduled runs,” said a railway spokesman Sunday afternoon.
In long-distance traffic, the forecasts are not so optimistic. Because it may also cause failures. Only “in the course of Monday,” expects the web with a normalization in the nationwide ICE and IC transport.
Immense damage to the railway
GDL boss Weselsky had the eighth strike in pay dispute with Deutsche Bahn as “complete success”. In his view, he is also. The material damage for the train are immense, and that is one of the key objectives of the train drivers’ union to make the employers crumbly.
The willingness to strike had not been broken, of internal opposition to the GDL boss can be no question. Giving even the few remaining opponents Weselskys in the train drivers’ union to
Now the GDL waiting for an offer of train -. And the rest of the country on Plan B of Deutsche Bahn CEO Rüdiger Grube. After the recusal of the train driver is slowly accepting an expensive affair, the new dimensions. Around ten million euros cost the train according to the company of the just-completed 138-hour strike of GDL per day. So that makes almost 60 million euros this week alone.
At the expense of taxpayers
For about nine months, the labor dispute is now running, eight times, the union called differently long for recusal. “The recent strikes have cost us around 220 million euros. And at least as suggests the loss of image for our company a negative impact,” complains Bahn CEO Grube.
The take the train hard and thus taxpayers. The German track is indeed a public limited company, but still fully owned by the state. So belongs to us all, the role of the owner accepts only in representation of the respective Federal Minister of Transport. Recently the web has retracted an annual result before interest and taxes of EUR 2.1 billion.
But that sounds better than it is. After taxes, interest, debt and investments into the grid and the cars considerably less than half a billion remain in the cash register. And this amount will basically Federal Treasury as a dividend.
less money on power and vehicles
So what do if the earnings continues to shrink? The web is less to invest in the worst case into the net, less in cars and better connections, pay off less debt and the Minister of Finance when transfer possible less, then what is missing in the federal budget.
And they will invest less in acquisitions abroad, which many in this country should be all right. And one can also argue that pit have to keep it in their own hands, the losses as small as possible of course. He should relent only.
How exactly these losses come about, expecting Thomas Geyer, CEO of the Zweckverband SPNV Rhineland-Palatinate North and president of Customer Association BAG SPNV, vividly before: “Since the strike began, only half the trains could with us are driven Usually we pay 320,000 euros per day on the web due to the failures there are now 160,000 euros, because we only pay for what drives Regardless of the reason… . “
So that makes a loss of 960,000 euros for the DB Regio daughters and power alone in this, association, and in just six days. There are also failures due to fewer selling tickets.
Strong traffic in the West
extrapolated to the whole of Germany can be this But numbers do not. In many regions, especially those with dense rail network, went into the strike week in regional transport considerably more than half of the trains. In Hesse and Bavaria there were for example 60 percent.
In some regions of West Germany rail transport was relatively stable, because there are still many officials who do not may go on strike. As in the West are also the major metropolitan areas with many train that minimizes the damage to the car.
In the east it looks, however, mau. There only five to 15 percent of the traffic could be maintained in the regional traffic. Less officials and a strong degree of organization of GDL as in the region Halle-Leipzig made for many failures. But in the East, the rail service priority for the automotive industry
is evenly also much lower than in West Germany.
<"prefix_1" h2 class => in Highway, the railway operates without money the networks could be brought, on average, every third train on the track. Most of the GDL train drivers traveling in regional traffic, up to 2,000 a day were there in the past week in the walkout. In long-distance one came on average per day just to 150 strikers GDLer, freight transport on the same number.But that was enough to ensure, for example on Sunday for that of typically 815 250 long-distance trains should be used. Another 50 wanted to use the web as needed.
Rail freight railway wanted by its own account during the strike take a total of about two-thirds of the usual features. Particularly important and time-sensitive goods such as parts for the automotive industry have been preferred. Special trains were canceled and not re-assumed also to Sunday.
Steel on the road
estimates the economy to damage caused by the strike on a mid three-digit million euro sum. Nevertheless, the impact of work stoppages are obviously lower than expected. By the end of the week in any case no carmaker had reported standing belts
The steelworkers gave the all-clear. At least until Friday, it had not come so far due to lack of raw material supplies, that furnaces had to be shut down, said a spokeswoman for the German Steel Federation. Especially in time-critical transports the freight division of the train coming towards its biggest customer, so no bottlenecks had arisen, it said.
When transporting the finished material would on the other hand, companies increasingly resort to trucks. Mainly because they incur higher costs. The Steel Association estimated the expected additional burden for the industry on a “double-digit millions”.
economic expert Stefan Kipar estimates by BayernLB that the growth rate of German GDP ( GDP) is expected to be lower by about 0.1 percentage points in the second quarter as no strike.
car hire rates doubled
More cost came to on tens of thousands commuters who have rail network maps, but this in the past few days could not use because of failing trains. They had on their own car or alternatives such as car rentals and car sharing change
The car rental companies were in fact one of the few industries that have benefited from the labor dispute -. Because he let explode the car rental prices. Especially at railway stations and in metropolitan areas there had been shortages due to strong demand. The car rental prices have risen in the affected regions during the labor dispute week by up to 100 percent, said Manuel Belan from the ADAC car hire the “Welt am Sonntag”.
Other travelers were up on long distance buses. “We all have rolled up our sleeves to meet the high demand,” said a spokesman for the Federal Association of German bus companies.
The balance of the taxi trade falls from mixed In cities where the strike hit the S-Bahn, the business was in full swing. Hardly business was to arouse with rail passengers. “The strike was not a gold mine,” was the conclusion of the German Taxi and Car Rental Association.
Sheet lines of 188 kilometers
Who ventured with a private or rented car on the road, needed a lot of patience. For example, on Wednesday morning from Mönchengladbach to Dusseldorf. Because the S-Bahn did not go, the strike-train customers were resigned risen in their cars, but already at 6.30 clock stopped traffic on the 52 freeway.
Shortly afterwards went nothing more: one hour and eleven minutes of her life tasted the 18 kilometer traffic jam between the motorway junction Neersen and the motorway exit Dusseldorf Heerdt commuters. The jam was Inrix the far worst in the recent rail strike according to analysis of the traffic data provider.
Similarly, long commuters were on Tuesday and Wednesday on the A4 Overath Cologne, in Bremen on the B6 from Triangle Delmenhorst, on the A2 near Hanover and on the B11 in Freising – a total of 188 km, the top ten metal snakes added on Tuesday, on Wednesday there were still 122 km
43 minutes in a traffic jam
The calculations according to which Inrix specialists required motorists on Tuesday morning for a strike starting on average 20 percent more running time to their goal to come. On Wednesday, they spent according to the INRIX traffic jam index still 15 percent more time in their cars than usual
The jams began earlier than usual -. Partly already already at 6.30 clock in the morning – were longer, and lasted longer than usual On average, motorists were in the top ten worst congestion on Tuesday for 43 minutes
The data, evaluates the Inrix for calculating this information, taken directly from the navigation systems of automobiles with data cellular connection, of position data by fleet operators as well as of the smartphones of customers Inrix Jam app.
The worst affected by the strike were therefore the commuters in the western part of Germany: In Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Cologne, they were more than twice as long as in a traffic jam in a non-strike-morning. On Wednesday were Munich, Frankfurt and Cologne, the infamous leader.
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