Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Starting Friday: Verdi decides indefinite strike in kindergartens – ABC Online

Updated on Wednesday, 05.06.2015, 11:10
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As of Friday strike employees nationwide at daycare centers. How long does the labor dispute, is still unclear. Maybe the day care centers remain closed until after Pentecost.

At the day-care centers in Germany to be on strike indefinitely starting Friday. This was announced by the chairman of the services union Verdi, Frank Bsirske, in Berlin on Wednesday for a ballot on industrial action on. In the vote is accordingly good 93 percent of the employees were in favor of the strike.

This is “a clear, unambiguous vote” Bsirske said. The workers are no longer willing “to be fobbed off with fine words.” Verdi wants to include in numerous kindergartens on Friday in the next and next week for other devices in the industrial action by its own account after the strike began. The walkout is therefore necessary also persist over Pentecost addition.

collective bargaining failed

The union had the end of April declared the collective bargaining for 240,000 workers in the social and educational services for failed and the strike vote initiated.

Previously, there had been several strikes. Verdi and other unions are calling for workers new classification rules and job characteristics, which ultimately should lead to ten percent more content

In the video. That’s why we never want the word “Rabeneltern” bye !

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