H andy users would actually can look forward to the end of the year to abolish the extra charges for telephone calls, surfing and sending SMS in another EU country.
But it is probably nothing: First, the time is running out. Second, there is now among the EU member states a compromise plan to keep the fees at a low level.
This is the conclusion of a public document has become the Council, through which the “Bild” newspaper reported. However, the EU countries still need to come to an agreement with the European Parliament -. And there will be really emphasize the charges
Abolition earliest 2016
The compromise paper of According to EU member states to citizens about when making calls from abroad can only 50 minutes long calls at domestic rates. They also have to 50 SMS per year can send from abroad to domestic conditions that mobile Internet usage without premiums would only be possible up to 100 megabytes per year. These figures were the “picture” with regard to the paper of the EU countries. The States had already in early March agreed that they want to allow the extra charges for mobile phone calls and surfing abroad with restrictions for the time being on.
An EU diplomat confirmed that the numbers the current compromise among the states correspond. He said, but you assume that the roaming serves to meet these targets are lower than before. Another diplomat added, speaking is, for example, calls the home tariff plus a premium of 5 cents per minute plus VAT.
Decided, meanwhile, still nothing, because the countries agree with the European Parliament must. This had originally demanded until the end of 2015 completely abolish the surcharges. However, due to the protracted negotiations now clear that the fees could fall no earlier than mid or the end of 2016, according to the people’s representatives. The Austrian Green MEP Michel Reimon described the negotiations as “procedural”.
Consumer advocates continue to call for the abolition of fees. The Consumer Federation (VZBV) was outraged: “Communication is not only a holiday fun, but within Europe for many people necessary everyday,” said Executive Klaus Müller. “The prices for the end users need to become more responsive to the real cost of the company. At present, companies make good money with the roaming charges.”
net neutrality in danger
In the Parliament there is a glance at the state of negotiations displeasure. The conservative Luxembourg MEP and former EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding said in relation to the attitude of the States in “image” of a “disgrace”. “Actually, there ought to be a popular uprising!” The SPD deputy Constanze Krehl said, “Maintaining the roaming charges would be a slap in the face of European consumers.”
The negotiations are so difficult because in addition to the abolition of roaming charges and the so-called net neutrality is at stake. The idea is that Internet providers and telecommunications companies send the data packets of users on an equal footing with their lines – regardless of where they come from or what content they have. At EU level, will be negotiated over whether and which data should take precedence but under certain conditions.
After presentation of the Austrian Green Party MPs Reimon Parliament would be willing to delay the issue of roaming when for the principle of net neutrality would be saved. “Most likely, that we agree in the second half of 2015 – or break off the negotiations,” he said
It has been around for a few years a European limit of roaming surcharges.. So mobile operators may currently require customers in other European countries no more than 19 cents per minute for outgoing calls, 5 cents for incoming calls, 6 cents per shipped SMS and 20 cents per megabyte of data. Add to that the tax.

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