Friday, May 8, 2015

+++ Railway strike in the live ticker +++: railway timetable published replacement for … – ABC Online

Updated on Friday, 05.08.2015, 12:27
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For months negotiating track and the union representing train drivers over collective agreements. The railway has submitted a new offer, the GDL, however, not sufficient. Since Tuesday, the train drivers, therefore strike again in passenger

13.06 clock:. The railway will provide the replacement schedule during the afternoon for the weekend on the Internet. The railway announced in the Communication also states that it is in regional and suburban railway traffic in spite of the strike end on Sunday (9 clock) nor restrictions. In long-distance traffic will continue driven by replacement schedule. Also on Monday morning, it could still come in Inter urban problems

12.27 clock. After the expected Sunday end of the train drivers strike German Rail wants in freight transport as quickly as possible to Normal operating return. How would this take a long time, could not be said exactly, said on Friday a spokesman for the DB-owned freight company DB Schenker Rail in Frankfurt. In the previous, shorter wave of strikes we have used for the “cleaning up” until midweek. According to the company should be to the seven days of strikes in the freight each about two-thirds of the usual trains. Particularly important and time-sensitive goods such as parts for the automotive industry have been preferred. Special trains were canceled and not re-assumed also to Sunday.

Chaos in the streets stays out

11.19 Clock: On fourth day of the strike in the passenger’s all recorded . Train drivers have internalized the replacement schedule. On the weekend but it could at least in Stuttgart again be closely in the trains. On the streets we went on Friday to more clearly quieter than in recent days. The number of messages was the morning even lower than on a normal Friday except strike, it said the traffic information service. Apparently many people had already left home. Accordingly was also unlikely to be more traffic in the afternoon.

At the weekend, the picture could change again, then the Spring Festival goes on the Stuttgart Beer Festival in the last round. At the same time receives the VfB Stuttgart on Saturday to FSV Mainz 05 . More trains will not go according to the track on Friday. “We can not put more trains are available as stand on the replacement schedule,” said a spokesman for Deutsche Bahn. The affected S1 drive only every hour. Blocking the station in Bad Cannstatt, as was the case in October during the rail strike was not planned. Of course, going to regulate access when overcrowding threatens.

support for Weselsky in the GDL fades

10.20 Clock: The GDL may seem only a minority of its members for the current mobilize strike. Only about 6,000 of the approximately 20,000 train drivers train had participated in the ongoing since Monday walkout, announced the “Bild” newspaper. In freight transport, only one in five locomotive engineer had answered the call to strike.

Shrinks the power of strike Mr. Claus Weselsky? The union expert Claus Schnabel expected in the near future to overthrow the president of the train drivers’ union GDL. “Weselsky struggling long to their own posts,” said the economist the FOCUS. If this strike does not lead to the desired result, “he can he as chairman of the GDL hold probably not for much longer.” A silent majority follow Weselsky apparently only grudgingly. Many “were already with the offer of the web before the strike agreement”. Schnabel: “Solidarity will collapse soon.”

Weselsky ride ever deeper with his negotiating style in the mess. “He liked how he comes back out know well,” said the collective expert. The all-or-nothing tactic leads to a dead end. Schnabel: “The German Railway sits probably has the upper hand.”

09.56 Clock: Bahn CEO Rüdiger Grube plans for Friday, according to a media report a new advance in the deadlocked pay dispute with the train drivers , He would “ignite the next level,” Grube said a report in the “Stuttgarter Zeitung”, according to on Thursday night in Esslingen. A railway spokesperson in Berlin confirmed the statement on Friday. He had a “Plan B,” said Grube. For that he must lead still talking at night to Friday. For details and to whether this conversation took place, the railway spokeswoman initially not expressed

06.00 clock. The union expert Claus Schnabel expected in the near future the overthrow of the Chairman the train drivers’ union GDL . “Weselsky struggling long to their own posts,” the economist told FOCUS. If this strike does not lead to the desired result, “he can no longer hold as chairman of the GDL probably long”. A silent majority follow Weselsky apparently only grudgingly. Many “were already with the offer of train of pre-strike agreement”. Schnabel: “Solidarity will collapse soon.”

Weselsky ride ever deeper with his negotiating style in the mess. “He liked how he comes back well know,” said the collective expert. The all-or-nothing tactic leads to a dead end. Schnabel: “The German Railway sits probably has the upper hand.”

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head of Deutsche Bahn wants to “ignite next step” in the wage dispute

03.22 Clock: Details wanted to pit not call according to the report. The “common sense” but tell him what should be the next step. “The solution will not be”, the head of Deutsche Bahn dampened loud “Stuttgarter Zeitung” expectations. But his bid it, “never give up”. However, his company two unions, the GDL and the Railway and Transport union will (EVG), “taken hostage” because they could not agree.

GDL boss Claus Weselsky called pit according to the report “this person, whose name I do not take in the mouth as possible.” “Of course,” he would sit down with the union boss but also on the negotiating table. Also one should in this conflict “do not put each word on the gold scale,” mine was cited. Weselsky had Grubes mediator proposal dismissed on Thursday again called “PR stunt”.

The accusation that the train would delay the negotiations until kick the bargaining unit law in force in the summer, pit dismissed. He would prefer to continue to negotiate immediately. Added that it was ready to create a “special solution for a long time”, while the tariff law of unity “to ignore – as if it were not for the law,” he said according to the report

Video: If the. GDL gets the power play, you pay in the future right down to it

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