Tuesday, May 5, 2015

+++ Railway strike in the live ticker +++: If GDL boss Weselsky now for … – ABC Online

Updated on Tuesday, 05.05.2015, 08:12
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For months negotiating track and the union representing train drivers over collective agreements. The railway has submitted a new offer, the GDL, however, not sufficient: the union announced a six-day strike in passenger. Tuesday morning by 2 clock we go.

CDU politician calling for compulsory arbitration of the rail strike

demand Given the escalating labor dispute at Deutsche Bahn Politicians from the CDU / CSU compulsory arbitration of labor dispute with the train drivers’ union GDL.

In contrast to the “Bild” newspaper called the deputy chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, Michael Fuchs , the introduction of a statutory conciliation procedure in the rail and air transport. . “ Before there is a strike, the parties to talk to each other – as grown men,” said Fox did

The current wage dispute reached “a new dimension”, the CDU Poliitker said: “A union boss plays with hundreds of thousands of rail passengers cat and mouse.”

The Secretary-General of the CDU Economic Council, Wolfgang Steiger , urged Federal Minister Andrea Nahles on, as soon as possible to allow for compulsory arbitration of the conflict. “When a small trade union as the train drivers blackmail our whole country, compulsory arbitration for areas of public general interest needs to be introduced in the right to strike. For the legislature can establish clear criteria for proportionality, so that the scheme is legally sound,” said Steiger towards “image”.

The national chairman of the Young Union, Paul Ziemiak, Nahles also demanded to take action. “Labour Minister Nahles should quickly ensure that this conflict ends with a compulsory arbitration” Ziemiak told “Bild”.

It should in future also “generally clearer rules for labor disputes” give. “A mediation should always be a precondition of strikes, supplemented by an appropriate notice requirement of four days “, said the chairman of the youth wing of the CDU / CSU. “The number of strikes has increased considerably in recent years, Germany looses its competitiveness – and Bahn, Lufthansa and numerous commuters caused billion-dollar losses..”

In spite of the strike: Here the trains run today

All other News Ticker:

German Rail employees before ordeal

08.10 clock. The German Federation of Trade Unions in the North provides the employees of Deutsche Bahn AG against an in-house ordeal only a cohesive approach by all railway employees and two trade unions could lead to real improvements in the company, said the DGB leader North, Uwe Polkaehn. “This ego trip leads to nothing,” he added to the strike call of the union of train drivers (GDL). Polkaehn urged the GDL, with the major Railway and Transport union (ECG) begin talks to form a collective community.

“If the GDL now announces a six-day strike, it occurs at the same time to the attendants, parking machine operators and other workers in the popliteal space, the fight with the ECG for their rights”, Polkaehn said. By the unilateral strike call feared the DGB representatives that the reputation of the trade unions will be damaged.

train drivers call a mega-strike: This train has left for you, Mr. Weselsky

“understanding of the GDL decreases dramatically “

07.28 Clock: The passenger association” Pro Bahn “has proposed to bring in as a moderator in the labor dispute at Deutsche Bahn a mediator from outside. “In any arbitration there at the end of an arbitration proposal,” said the spokesman of the passenger association, Karl-Peter Naumann, the “Rheinische Post” (Tuesday). In moderation it go only once a matter of producing the ability to talk to each other. “As a presenter, we could imagine the recent presidency of the Evangelical Church, Bishop Wolfgang Huber.” Moderator should “be someone with charisma who is not by those who can listen and simple questions” point. Understanding with passengers for the train drivers’ union GDL take off dramatically, Naumann said.

Full train early in the morning

costs 05. May 06.24 Clock: In many places, people seem to have adjusted to the rail strike and previously made on their way to work. In Munich, the train was already at 05.30 clock extremely full.

“Mr. Weselsky, they develop just the most hated man in the Republic”

22.28 Clock: In the evening news to GDL chief Claus Weselsky had to ask unpleasant questions. He was developing just the “most hated man of the Republic,” said presenter Caren Miosga fixed at the beginning of the interview

Weselsky answered but calmly. “The most hated man I’m supposed to, has this time not to wrongly feel that only the locomotive engineer and conductor to justify the strike, while the railway management wegduckt, particularly rail-chairman, who always disappears discreetly “.

As for the position of his union to Weselsky therefore showed more hard: “Our aims are lawful, proportionate and allowed the strike,” the GDL boss in Tagesthemen interview. “We will carry out this strike action, until Sunday at 9 clock”. Lenke the train still does not a, more strikes were not ruled out. “When the train management then unimpressed shows us, then the members of the GDL, the train drivers and train conductors who want to punish this management continue,” said Weselsky.

The German Railways had the problems of train drivers finally take seriously. The load was simply too high. “We have pressure from within, out of the union. This pressure is ignored. The track acts as if there would not be these problems,” said Weselsky.

Weselsky remains in denial of arbitration

19.59 clock: Just before the beginning of the next wave of strikes Lokführer- passenger train last hopes for a quick end to have disappeared. GDL boss Claus Weselsky rejected in an interview the ZDF broadcast “W iso” again proposed by the railway from arbitration.

The company carrying the union “actually since the beginning of the negotiations,” the mediation afterwards, said the trade unionist. But it related to constitutionally protected rights of GDL members. “We can not settle on fundamental rights.”

Weselsky referred to two judgments of the Hessian labor courts from November 2014. “Our conduct is lawful, admissible and proportionate.” The train was negotiating with the aim to reach no conclusion with the GDL, because she was waiting for the new law to the bargaining unit. The track therefore refused even to fix intermediate results in writing.

Concerned parents: rail strike endangers important exams at schools

19.08 Clock: The state parent conference provides central audits of tithe graders in North Rhine-Westphalia at risk because of renewed rail strike. On Tuesday, the written work in math will written for the tenth graders all types of schools, the planned 02.00 clock strike should therefore be postponed for a few hours. These called for the Parents ‘Associations of the train drivers’ union GDL chairman, Claus Weselsky, in a letter published on Monday on. “A relaxed writing and proper participation in the examination” will made impossible by the walkout of thousands of students.

“We as a country parent conference NRW look at it with great concern how here stoked uncertainty and accepted. The specimens have vorbreitet on these exams long and are now suffering as a result.” The results are important “for achieving the best possible university degree and thus on the future career of tenth graders.”

If the GDL gets the power play, you pay in the future right down to it

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