Wednesday, May 20, 2015

+++ Railway strike in the live ticker +++: Final negotiations: now also threatens the … – ABC Online

Updated on Wednesday, 20.05.2015, 18:26
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After again failed negotiations over the weekend announced another strike at Deutsche Bahn train drivers union. This began on Wednesday in the passenger – with an open end. All info in the ticker.

The GDL strike again. Since Tuesday, the train drivers paralyze freight. Since Wednesday night and the passenger is on strike. The end of the strike is not yet known, but given the latest known 48 hours in advance. Still negotiate Bahn and GDL in order to avert a strike over the weekend of Pentecost. Meanwhile, calls the passenger association “Pro Bahn” calls train drivers on strike break.

So the long-distance moves during the train strikes

pressure on GDL increases: Even railway union ECG threatens strike

18.50 Clock: The labor dispute train continues. Parallel running confidential talks between Deutsche Bahn and the train drivers’ union GDL on entry into a conciliation continue without first known was a result. For additional pressure in the boiler provides the larger Railway and Transport union (ECG), which aims to achieve this Thursday by train in Berlin a collective agreement. Otherwise threatens them with a labor dispute. The train had stoking again demanded Regina Rusch-Ziemba negotiator. “The offered 4.7 percent are not enough for us, the proposed term of 29 months is too long.” The GDL will not accept for their own collective agreements negotiated by the EDC requirements for individual occupational groups.

rail traffic in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia rolls only sporadically

18.26 Clock: Because of the train drivers’ strike of rail traffic in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt remains Thuringia and also on Thursday severely restricted. According to Deutsche Bahn only one moves out of ten trains in regional transport in the suburban trains one in twenty. In long-distance trains roll only sporadically, such as between Leipzig and Munich. Travelers can access information about themselves on the Internet. The replacement schedule during stable, said a railway spokesman after the start of the strike in passenger transport on Wednesday.

Two-thirds of long-distance trains fall nationwide from

17.49 Clock: “There are still a high strike participation “, said the chairman of the GDL District North, Hartmut Petersen. Some 600 train drivers would be involved during the day on Wednesday in Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to the walkout. The GDL hoping for a sign on the part of Deutsche Bahn, “so that the Whitsun weekend can still be saved,” Petersen said.

In Lower Saxony and also in other regions fell out after train information two-thirds of long-distance trains, the transport went according to the region between 40 to 85 percent of trains not. The private railway metronome and NordWestBahn there were no restrictions.

GDL boss Weselsky:

16.30 “Are in background briefings” clock Claus Weselsky, said the television station “n-tv”: “The current situation is that we have the train in background discussions. They are confidential, and there’s more to date not to say. ” Also a railway spokesperson referred to the agreed confidentiality. At the talks in Frankfurt is to be sounded out the conditions under which an arbitration procedure may be initiated.

Weselsky maintained his stance that a conciliation procedure is only possible when the web accept that the GDL must conclude separate collective agreements for all its members. The railway management decide how long the strike should take another. “If we succeed, the pour into the appropriate form, then it can also go into a conciliation” Weselsky said. But he added: “I do not expect that we overnight have the collective agreement done.”

“Pro Bahn” calls train drivers to strike-breaking at

15.37 Clock: The Fahrgastverband “Pro Bahn” calls the engine driver of the GDL for strikebreaking . Pro-Bahn spokesman Gerd Aschoff said to “FOCUS” : “It would be better if the train drivers of the GDL leadership refuse to follow”. Aschoff: “You should all think carefully about whether they want to sawing off the branch even longer, to which they are themselves.”

According to Aschoff the strike hits those long train employees who only have a secure job, if the German Railways continue to get enough orders. Aschoff: “In freight transport, there is a great risk of migration to private railway companies and on the road . In any case, the German rail requires less engine driver.

In the passenger more tenders of countries against the German railway could run in the direction of private railway companies. Even then need the German railway engine drivers less. The same is the case “if passengers rows back their monthly passes from anger at the strikes.” The GDL strike was “unjustifiable” , the spokesman said the passenger association.

Bahn: One-third of long-distance trains rolled reliably

15.13 Clock: Around twelve hours after the start of the train drivers strike reports the path that the long-distance nationwide stable running after the replacement schedule. With 250 ICE, IC and EC trains during the strike about one-third of the normal traffic can be offered. On the ICE line 10 Berlin-Hanover-Dusseldorf / Cologne Köln / Bonn trains would continue to operate every hour. In regional transport are depending on state between 15 and 60 percent of the offer available.

Even during the Whitsun weekend, according to the railway supply be driven stable despite increased construction. This weekend uses the train for extensive construction work, since there is little impact on pupils, professional and business travel as well as international freight traffic over the holidays. At the peak travel days Friday before Pentecost and Monday afternoon, however, will not be built. In the replacement schedules, scheduled Whit construction sites are considered. According to railway it should not give rise to additional impairment thereby.

The replacement timetables are available on the live information of DB, on, on the DB Navigator app or The latest data from the long-distance transport are available daily for the next two days each from 12 clock. The plan for regional transportation is valid for the next 24 hours and is provided in the early afternoon

Railway strike charged air with hundreds of thousands of tons of CO2

14.38 clock. The rail strike also harms the climate. Because the customers resort to cars and buses, 167,000 tonnes of CO2 are also ejected in a week walkout. The experts have the Renewable Energy Agency calculated. The amount is as much as consume around 1.5 million refrigerators in the normal electricity mix in one year. Or emit 30,000 single-family homes a year for heating. Assumption in the calculation was that two-thirds of the trains failed and spread the travelers to other means of transport; the Freight was not included

Railway Works Black worries about jobs

14.06 clock. makes In an interview with the news channel n-tv Jens Schwarz, Chairman the Group Works Council of the railway and representatives of some 200,000 railway employees, his anger at the “current state of uncertainty” air. “This has now come to an end,” he demanded. The first employees were already worried about their jobs

Daimler expects further growth with remote bus – thrust by rail strikes

13.22 clock. The Bus division of the car manufacturer Daimler continues to expect a significant growth in the remote bus market – extra boost provided while the rail strike. Only the now ninth walkout the train drivers’ union GDL had switched from train to remote buses more than 500,000 customers. “During the strike, the industry has proved that it is a reliable alternative,” said the Germany Sales Director of Daimler subsidiary EvoBus, Axel Stokinger, on Wednesday in Munich.

Even so, waxes of remote bus market rapidly. “We are seeing that in Germany on peak days nearly 800 long-haul buses are in use,” Stokinger said. “The market has been growing since September 2014 again by about 200 more buses.” Daimler sees itself with its brands Mercedes-Benz and Setra as a market leader and provides claims to just over half of long-distance buses in this country.

Every year, sell the company in Germany from 100 to 150 vehicles at remote bus provider – was significantly larger still, the market for touring coaches. Overall, the Group sold in this country almost 2900 buses a year. Is noteworthy that mainly grow the mileage of the remote buses: When a coach an annual mileage 60,000 to 80,000 kilometers long time normal, put some distance buses now up to 400,000 km in one year

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Video: If the engine driver takes a break – therefore wants to train in the wage dispute not relent

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