Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Railway proposes mediator before the labor dispute – Hamburger Abendblatt


Christian Ebner

 Company appoints Matthias Platzeck as candidates. Train drivers reject offer brusquely. Furthermore, massive disabilities in northern Germany

                 Hamburg. More surprising proposal of Deutsche Bahn in the deadlocked pay dispute with the train drivers’ union GDL: The company brings an external agent this week, in order to contribute to an agreement. Bahn CEO Rüdiger Grube spoke of an “independent personality”. His company suggest it before Brandenburg’s ex-Prime Minister Matthias Platzeck (SPD), who was willing also. The GDL can also consult someone you trust. Prerequisite is, however, that you begin such negotiations immediately and the strike would be terminated immediately, added the Chief of Track.

The train drivers’ union responded negatively. There is according to the current state of no reason to cancel the scheduled until Sunday nationwide walkout, said GDL boss Claus Weselsky on Wednesday. He spoke of a “PR stunt” train. The offer of the train had not yet been received, according to Weselsky until Wednesday noon in the GDL. Therefore, he would also not rule on the Personnel Platzeck. “This is an unspeakable media campaign train,” he said during an appearance before the Cologne Main Station. There he was greeted by hundreds GDL members with jubilation. A railway spokesman stressed then, the new proposal had been “sent to Mr. Weselsky personally and to the tariff department of GDL” in time.

mine had previously stated, the Group wished to consult a third party because the GDL “is not yet ready to enter into a mediation” currently. The tram mediation unchanged for the best solution. The GDL had refused mediation, while it’s still going in the collective bargaining to the question of how all the occupational groups of the train crew are involved in a GDL collective work.

“We are talking about de-escalation and pacification of the overall situation, “Grube told the railway proposal. “And certainly not we play for time in view of the forthcoming tariff law of unity.” This motif had assumed several times the railway Weselsky. The proposal by the black-red government law that still wants decide this summer, the Bundestag, is to restrict the collective power of small craft unions as the GDL. The German Civil Service Federation (DBB), the umbrella organization of the GDL was initially not comment on the suggestion moderators. With regard to the strike fund, the train drivers’ union can get a grant from the DBB. For this purpose, an application must be made, said a spokesman for DBB. The strike fund of the umbrella organization is well filled.

According to a survey by the polling institute YouGov currently have 69 percent of Germans no understanding of the strikes of the GDL. In February it was 64 percent.

Blank material storage and interrupted supply chains were on strike period economic losses in the mid three-digit million euro range afraid said the head of the logistics trade association BME, Christoph Feldmann , There would also direct costs for emergency plans and additional storage capacity. A switch to the congested roads or the less flexible Barges is limited.

The Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) Defendant additional logistics costs “. The will continue to rise from day to day is the situation more difficult,” said a spokeswoman in Berlin. In addition to maintaining the supply chain for the production of the manufacturer must reorganize in particular the transport of finished cars. In passenger transport passengers in northern Germany on Wednesday also had to accept delays and disabilities. The replacement schedule will, however, implement stable and reliable, so a railway spokesman. “If not again intervenes a storm, then we see no additional impairments. Trains run as it is on the Internet.” On Tuesday storms and storm had blocked the late afternoon several railway lines in the north and will hamper trade in addition to the strike.

In the long-distance transport is reported to drive one-third, two-thirds of the regional transport trains. In Hamburg, the S-Bahn runs on the trunk lines in 20-minute intervals. Until the weekend, the situation will hardly relax, it said in the web and the union. The rail strike could have an impact on the harbor birthday weekend, to the more than one million visitors are expected.

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