Tuesday, May 12, 2015
About the German Civil Service Federation (DBB) wanted the train drivers’ union GDL force back to the negotiating table Bahn CEO Grube. But the DBB does not play with. This pit suffers after unsuccessful Platzeck-Personnel another setback.
The head of Deutsche Bahn AG, Rüdiger Grube is, according to a media report with his “Plan B” for the settlement of the labor dispute failed in the train drivers’ union GDL. As the “World” reported that the leadership of the German Civil Service Federation (DBB) declined Member union GDL to convince them of a return to the negotiating table. Bahn personnel chief Ulrich Weber confirmed in Frankfurt that the track work on it to get back to the negotiating table with the GDL. “We’ll talk about and to us that will not fail.”
Grube’s goal it was noisy “world” to convince the head of the DBB fact that the labor dispute all sides would be best served if the negotiating table to solutions’ll wrestled. The federal leadership should convince GDL boss Claus Weselsky at the meeting on Monday of this week off. “The GDL is an independent trade union. It is the governing body not to give good advice or even to give instructions”, but said a member of the DBB-Federal management of the “world”.
Consulting behind the scenes
The GDL had seriously impaired until Sunday with a nearly week-long strike rail traffic in Germany. It was the longest walkout in the company’s history and the eighth strike in the running for more than ten months Tariff conflict.
Grube had failed in the past week with his proposal to consult on the negotiations the former Brandenburg Prime Minister Matthias Platzeck , The head of Deutsche Bahn had made already at the launch of this initiative a “Plan B” in view
Bahn personnel chief Weber said on the sidelines of collective bargaining with the competing Railway and Transport union (ECG). “Sometimes it just good to work behind the scenes to carry not everything in the public. ” Currently, “peace, serenity and discretion” was necessary to move forward.
conversations with EVG
The German railway currently negotiating in parallel with the GDL and the EVG because both unions want to conclude separate collective agreements for their members. However, the railway will prevent different results for one and the same occupational group.
Read more aboutThe group and the EVG wish to conclude their negotiations on Thursday in a week. For the ECG called after the recent round of negotiations but once again, improving the provision of railway. Sticking points are the topics wage increase and duration of collective agreements. “Either we are in agreement on May 21, or it crashes,” said EDC Regina Rusch-Ziemba negotiator. In order to continue the EDC controls another negotiation course as the train drivers’ union.
The GDL wants to enforce for its members to work shorter hours and more favorable social legislation and for it to accept lower salary increases. The different demands of the two unions are the main obstacle to matching collective agreements, as envisaged by the company.

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