Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Lufthansa pilots agree to mediation – SPIEGEL ONLINE

The pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit takes the Lufthansa proposal for a total settlement of. This was announced by the Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) on Wednesday. “Now you have a swift arbitrator found, the details and contents are adapted to the arbitration,” said VC spokesman Markus Wahl. “We welcome the move,” said a Lufthansa spokesman in a first reaction.

The union waived her about further strikes from the beginning of the arbitration until the end of July 2015. “In the meantime, should be clear whether an arbitration process is target-oriented and can be continued. ” In hardest labor dispute the company’s history it has been given a dozen rounds strike since April 2014.

VC had demanded a settlement of all open tariff issues for a long time that Lufthansa had always rejected with the argument that you have not even negotiated on individual items. Background of the frozen conflict is the controversial introduction of new low-cost platform Euro Wings, which is criticized by the VC, but can not be the subject of collective bargaining as a business decision.

Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr was finally at the AGM the end of April a step approached the pilots’ union and had offered to avoid further strikes an overall settlement. According to the company are with the VC six collective agreements open, including the content, the transitional pension and the occupational pensions of approximately 5400 pilots of the airlines Lufthansa, Lufthansa Cargo and German Wings.


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