Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Live Scores for strike by train drivers: Claus Weselsky: “We are … – Tagesspiegel

14:07 clock From Angie Pohlers, Ingo Salmen, Sarah Kramer, Henrik Pomeranz

For 2 clock the GDL strike the passenger – one end is only once not in sight. While Bahn CEO Rüdiger Grube canceled a press conference, GDL boss Claus Weselsky has defended the walkout. How do you still get to your destination and what’s new in the labor dispute, refer to our Live Scores!

The union of train drivers on strike, you find spare timetables under or you can try your luck by telephone the freephone number 08000 99 66 33. We inform You of course around the strike here in Liveticker

13.45 clock. survey GDL strike: We have asked our readers, who should give the current wage dispute – the train drivers’ union GDL train or. The current status can be seen here.

The GDL occurs from Tuesday again on strike. Which party in collective dispute should yield

13.30 clock – government spokesman Steffen Seibert to question why the federal government does not intervene as the owner of the car in the train drivers’ strike : “The collective bargaining is constitutionally protected, even before government intervention.” The
Chancellor had repeatedly stated that the right to strike is a fundamental right vested and valuable asset, Seibert said. Irrespective of this, all parties would have in such a sensitive area at such a time as shortly before and during the Whitsun its special responsibility to be aware

12.57 clock – updating live information. In the online information of the Deutsche Bahn is now also the replacement plan for the Main Line on Friday include the plan for urban transport should now follow the early afternoon.

12.48 clock – now it has caught even the replacement bus service with buses. Because of defective buses account for several rides on the route for the S 8 in Blankenburg and Hohen Neuendorf

12.44 clock – Transport Experts fear super congestion at Pentecost. rail strike, Friday long weekend – when it comes, it’s getting worse right. According to traffic experts threaten on Friday before Pentecost Jam Records on the streets. “All the ingredients are there for it,” said Jam researcher Michael Schreckenberg of the University of Duisburg-Essen Deutsche Presse-Agentur. The Friday before the long weekend of Pentecost is loud Schreckenberg usually the storage richest day of the year. In the afternoon also put a rush hour, also Friday is always the day of the week with the highest traffic. On the motorist get to a scenario that “we have never had so” . Schreckenberg expects extra-long traffic jams around Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich and Hamburg.

12.27 clock – release dates for replacement schedules: If you are planning needs, should keep in mind when incorporated replacement schedules for each strike day in the live of the Deutsche Bahn – for long haul get the data earlier than for transport

12.21 clock – German Rail is, the other roles. ODEG and NEB are not on strike. On the contrary: “All trains of the line RE2 between Wismar and Cottbus hold during the strike also in Finkenkrug and Brieselang,” it says on the website


12.11 clock – Reader reactions to strike: While many trains of Deutsche Bahn rest is on the Kommentarfreudigkeit the Tagesspiegel Readers rely. Under this ticker a user writes that the walkout a “good reality check” is when it comes to the road in strike mode: “Auto traffic will only work if not too many take it.” Also solutions for stricken commuters can be found at the contents:” All distances less than 10 km are easily mastered by bike, “writes” alderman “. Another reader wonders what happens when the time strikes in the population provides only for a limp shrug . On Facebook Andreas Triggers is in favor of the GDL strike. It is unacceptable that Fundamental Rights are easily eroded

11.47 clock – Weselsky defended GDL strike. In an interview with the news channel n-tv justified GDL boss Claus Weselsky just the recusal of the train drivers. The strike was “to increase the pressure on the track” a means, he said. It was quite prepared to go to arbitration, but did not want to vezichten right of Streikens . When asked how long the work will take another walkout, Weselsky said: About the strikers ultimately decide the posture of the rail-Board “I do not fathom how long can it still go.”. “If the management does not want to, we continue to address ready.”

11.38 clock – strike peeved customers: Jens Schwarz, head of the works council of the railway, fears for the future of Group. “We are pushing the competition from Car and bus passengers,” he said, according to German Press Agency on Wednesday in Frankfurt. Great cargo customers , as auto companies, have already verleget part of their supply on the road. The damage to the company is enormous. There was a risk that the web must make savings . “Many colleagues therefore worry about their jobs,” Black said. The strike will bring mainly the railway employees to their limits that maintain operation. Also therefore be a quick agreement necessary

11.30 clock – press conference of mine and Dobrindt moved. Actually, should the Federal Minister of Transport Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) and Deutsche Bahn CEO Rüdiger Grube today hold a press conference at lunchtime. It should go to the rail strike – at least the n-tv reported so and wanted to transfering live. Not true, says a spokesman for the Ministry, actually was “digitization” be the theme. In addition, the date was postponed until further notice – for digitization would today probably anyway hardly interested

11.19 clock – failed train, money back. Your train is late or is not even come? The most important questions and answers about the compensation of booked tours can be found here in this older Tagesspiegel article

11.00 clock – fear of failure at the Friedrichstrasse station. gravity are buffeted Where to buy at the stations. The concerns about the small shop for tickets at the Friedrichstrasse station. “Listen to me on the train!” Complains Associate Petra Müller at once. Even the month-long lockout of the north-south tunnel the train had for sales losses of 60 percent taken care of, as we reported in the strike Scores a month ago. Similar offers Müller also from the rail strike. “For us, it comes to the existence of” , she says. “For the above because the power games.” You have personally fear of bankruptcy. With 56 years she does not know if she would easily find a new job. Today is the way to work, “the horror” been. Despite claustrophobia she had to squeeze into the crowded U6. Only her son reliable: The engineer is also, but not with strike. In another shop opposite first time only silence: The owner does not want to comment on the strike. After she had spoken at an earlier round of strikes to the Tagesspiegel, there was a reprimand by the landlord – Deutsche Bahn

10.51 clock. “Disavowing major challenge”: compatibility with all the provisions in the company have a core point for the German Railway. This has just been emphasized again on n-tv spokesman Achim Stauss. Collective agreements would have to be “conflict free”, Mandelson the GDL “move away maximum demand” from their. Background is the Competition of the GDL with the larger railway union EVG

10.45 clock. Negotiation of conciliation takes at: After the beginning of the ninth strike in Deutsche Bahn negotiate employers and the German train drivers union (GDL) more than a settlement in the deadlocked pay dispute . Both sides had all day Tuesday with former presiding judge at the Federal Labour Court, Klaus Bepler, advice and agreed to continue the talks in the short term, said railway spokesman Achim Stauss on Wednesday in Berlin. All three parties have agreed confidentiality, reports AFP

10.38 clock. Pentecost holiday despite rail strike: Who now toying with the idea, the Whitsun weekend still quickly cancel the hotel stay to elaborate rail links and Schienenersatzverkehr to escape must not hope for a free cancellation. “Legally, it has no claims,” ​​says Christopher Lueck, spokesman of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA) Deutsche Presse-Agentur. ! So, your eyes and go

10.23 clock: Germany discovered the strikes: Not only know the train drivers how to strike properly – many ATMs remain because of the strike of a security firm empty and the daycare educators have also stopped work (yes, even in Berlin!).

10.14 clock: More expensive strike for GDL The German train drivers union has, according to German press agency for its renewed strike at Deutsche Bahn so far no financial assistance Beamtenbund applied . That said the chairman of the Staff Association (DBB), Klaus Dauderstädt, in Germany radio. The “Bild” newspaper had earlier reported that the DBB of GDL have withdrawn the financial support. Dauderstädt said the GDL had asked for only a part of the previous strikes applications for strike pay support , but there have also each given a commitment. But no application had been made for the current round of strikes. Whether the DBB would currently support a request from the GDL, Dauderstädt left open. He also reiterated that the Civil Service Association of content “firmly on the side of the GDL” stand .

10.04 clock: press conference at the main station: Railway spokesman Achim Stauss has just brought the assembled journalists up to date. In Main Line drive 30 percent of all trains in the Regional Traffic roll up to 60 percent in the west and up to 25 percent in eastern Germany. In Berlin, the strike had sometimes the greatest consequences, because the city has a “GDL stronghold” is, while 20 to 30 percent of train drivers are civil servants in the West. The train pushes loud Stauß continue conversations, at the same time would not to the demands of the GDL (different Tarifveträge depending on union membership) received

9.53 clock. No Chaos at BVG: In recent strike in early May just stood the buses under pressure – difficulties they came through the jam-packed road and even had to leave to stand for about car full of some passengers. Today it is fortunately a bit different: Despite significantly fuller subways, buses and trams than usual, no chaos had broken out in the morning, reported a BVG spokeswoman. Only with some delays of buses must be counted

9.34 clock. Berlin defies the strike: Our reporter Henrik Pomeranz Robin Draganic met at the central station. The Kreuzberg want to drive with its 230 year-old double bass for a performance to Stuttgart . Not so easy, but: “As a jazz musician’m used to improvise.” front of the station waiting Socrates Bukalis, 60 years, on customers. The taxi driver of Wilmersdorf reported that there are on strike days while more contracts are, at the end of the day necessarily, but no longer at the box office, because the roads are full and because all routes take longer. During the insurrection inexperienced drivers would be more on the roads that cripple the market. Also at the main station located during the insurrection of a of nationwide four hotel features (the other three are in Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich). There, stranded passengers can , switch between 23 clock und 6 clock recover a little and make the eyes. The total is free – just pure, lie down and the strikers dream

9.22 Clock: Free travel on the A115: colleague Thomas Loy was this morning towards the city center on the A115, height Johannisthaler Chaussee road and logs: “Very unusual – no traffic jams.” In many places are the usual obstacles to the rush hour to watch: on the ring road in the direction of the radio tower, the connection point is Siemensdamm , on the A111 towards the city center, the entrance Antonienstraße locked, both due overcrowding. Moreover currently on the A10 (Eastern Berliner Ring) in the direction of motorway junction Barnim a construction site between Erkner and Rüdersdorf – which is why the road is narrowed to 16 clock on a lane. Berlin obviously going routinely to the rail strike. The map of the traffic information center still shows no chaos on the streets of Berlin to

9.01 Clock:. Train travel in and around Berlin: We have just phoned at railway spokesman Burkhard Ahlert. The seemed very relaxed and satisfied because the replacement schedules for commuter trains and regional trains in the Berlin / Brandenburg region are stable and as the last time the light rail could be increased (S5 up to Friedrichstrasse, S7 up to Charlottenburg). “Everything has been implemented as planned.” Slowly comes to routine, even among travelers. “They have adapted to the strike and use our info-channels,” says Ahlert. Regional information can be found here and the DB Navigator app for’s smartphone you can get free here

8.43 Clock:. Favorite sport track cycling: Our colleague Christian Tretbar was this morning at 7 clock go and reported about his experiences. “It took, but after 20 minutes came the S-Bahn – so to speak strike on time – on Wollankstraße S-Bahn station at One could even easily get a general admission, would not even the bicycle or whose carrier went on strike because several bikes locked again the way and the place in the web instead of cozy to roll on the road and cycling routes of the capital, but maybe it’s a special sport..: track cycling. ” As it is with the taking bicycles in the train, our traffic expert Klaus Kurpjuweit has taken here a few days ago together

8.32 clock. Cleaves The strike by train drivers East and West: While in the West run up to two thirds of trains in long-distance transport up to one third and in regional transport, the railway traffic in the eastern states is particularly limited. According to the German track in Berlin travels a little less than half of the S-Bahn trains in 20-minute intervals, the same goes for Hamburg . In Stuttgart run on most lines long trains every hour. In Bavaria drives in suburban and regional transport every other train

8.22 clock. In the middle of the bottom by: The passengers of the subway line 2 have to endure a lot: construction sites, overcrowding – and no mobile phone network in the tunnel. If the S-Bahn on strike, it is here that busy – but experience shows that only around half past eight clock in the morning. Who caught a few moves earlier, may still with luck and Berlin Drängelgeschick get a seat, and even listen to a musician, playing on his flute between the parties. Money, however, he gets none. “Have a good trip yet!” He cries while getting passengers in the empty train to. Oh well. Depending on where, how, when you are traveling, the situation certainly seems to be quite different. On Twitter, all diligently keep up to date. Corresponding Tweets see #bahnstreik and #gdlstreik under the hashtags

8.18 clock. From Saxony: If you want from Berlin to Dresden or Leipzig, no place in the coach or in a ride (here and here) is, the ETS can be used by buses from the central station: After Leipzig since 8.10 clock every two hours, to Dresden since 7.00 clock also every two hours

8.02 clock.: Full subways: Make Are you just across the way to work? Then the better abdominal move ! A first call to the BVG has confirmed what most fear: Yes, the metros are much fuller than usual because many Berliners escape to the BVG. Whether single Bus be like last GDL strike again be so full that not come in all the passengers? Just take a look. We will keep you up to date

7.52 Clock:. Strike victim – flap the second: Rudolf Huber from the Bavarian Burghausen is stranded with six friends at the main station. The troupe comes straight out of the cycling holiday of the Mecklenburg Lake District and is now with the wheels not in the ICE and IC left. Now they want to try the bike via DHL to send in the home – that would cost at least about 25 euros per piece says Rudolf Huber. “The recovery is once gone” , says the 63-year-old

7.47 Clock:. Scheduled in the backup plan: The Berlin S-Bahn reports via Twitter that the replacement schedule for stand 7.00 clock works stable. Well then, good ride

7.34 Clock: Meanwhile in the GDL strike local: Just the ARD television has again switched to the train drivers on Berlin’s Ostbahnhof. Approximately 60 GDLer are now arrived there and take in the lists for the strike pay (now 100 instead of 75 euros per day). The atmosphere is good and a train driver says you will so long strike, “as it was necessary” . GDL District Board Frank Nachtigall has for this day a few information meetings at Ostbahnhof announced -. For all who are interested, what is included in the strike is all about

7:17 Clock: drink instead train: get so that passengers and commuters from the entire wait no dry throat (and be even worse mood), the railway distributed at the Berlin Hauptbahnhof water and coffee

7.05. Clock: #Bahnstreik: on Twitter is the GDL strike as always a popular topic. The BVG – for many Berliners the Rettunsanker par – right before courage in the coming days a

And a user has observed that some Berlin escalator show solidarity and has also stopped work.. A little strike humor never hurts just

6.55 Clock: On the streets. According to traffic information center is on the road still largely free ride – so who goes to work early, it is clear today at an advantage , The last strike two weeks ago but relatively many Berliners have switched to car’s – that could be so again today. Therefore, the traffic control advises today all commuters 30 to 60 minutes more driving time schedule

6.50 Clock:. Strike episodes: The strike calls on the first victim . Our reporter Henrik Pomeranz has just met Susan and Terry Cliton, an elderly couple from London at the main station. They come straight from the Prague holidays and wanted to take the train back home via Cologne – remained however at 9 clock in Dresden are. From there, the Clitons down with the SEV to Berlin and now want out of here with the IC 6.47 clock to Cologne . “This is obviously the most unpleasant part of the rice e”, said the two Britons and surprised that the Germans go on strike at all. Excited they are, however, the main train station (“What a beautiful building!”) And the staff at the information desk in Berlin – which was said to be excellent at helping the transfer

<. strong> 6.31 Clock: Traffic in the capital region: While the S-Bahn will provide at least about 35 percent of their normal schedule, it looks in the Regional Traffic worse. Many regional railways (RB13, RB19, RB20, RB21 / 22, RB24, B54 and RB55) fall out. Here you will find an overview of Deutsche Bahn

6.24 clock. Spare timetable S-Bahn: Just the Berlin S-Bahn has tweeted their current replacement schedule. Here in words: S1 (Potsdam Hbf – Oranienburg) – runs every 20 minutes. S2 (Blankenfelde – Bernau) – runs in 20-minute intervals, from 21.00 clock in just 40-minute intervals. S3 (Erkner – Ostkreuz) – runs every 20 minutes. S7 (Ahrensfelde – Charlottenburg) – runs in 20-minute intervals, but only between 5.00 und 21.30 clock clock. S5 (Strausberg / Strausberg Nord – Freidrichstrasse) – runs in 20-minute intervals, also is there between 4.00 clock und 21.30 clock a replacement bus service with buses between Strausberg Nord – At Annatal – Strausberg, from 21 clock moves this line between Strausberg Nord and Friedrichstrasse just in 40-minute intervals. S8 – does not drive, but a replacement bus service with buses traveling between Blankenburg and Hohen Neuendorf, where there is no night traffic from Friday / Saturday to Sunday / Monday. S9 (Schönefeld Airport – Landsberger Allee) – runs every 20 minutes. S25 – does not drive, but there is a replacement bus service with buses between Teltow Stadt – Attila Street – south end and Tegel – U Alt-Tegel-Hennigsdorf, no night traffic from Friday / Saturday to Sunday / Monday. Ring paths S41 and S42 Do not drive, just like the S45 . S46 (King Wusterhausen – Schöneberg) – runs every 20 minutes. S47, S75, S85 not drive

6.09 Clock:. Increase strike pay: A few minutes ago remarked Frank Nachtigall GDL district chairman for Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony in the ARD television to spiked strike money for the train drivers on strike. Was there last time even 75 euros per day as compensation, there are now 100 euros . Small increase motivation? Oh, an increase would not come for the train drivers out here, argued Nightingale. “ No one deserves it , so it’s no motivation.”

6.00 clock: from A to B: In principle, the live information provides Deutsche Bahn on the web reliable information for the Inter urban , telephone information there under 08 000- 99 66 33 , on your smartphone is worth the use of DB Navigator app. For the compounds in Berlin and Brandenburg was loud train a “greatly reduced replacement schedule” created in the federal territory the main routes are served – however different rhythms throughout. The Berlin S-Bahn has created (see below) as always a replacement schedule. In order to 35 percent of the regular range are served. The circle line does not move, some lines run IM20-minute intervals. Subways, buses, trams and ferries the BVG are not affected by the strike. ! You are guided through the day

5.58 Clock: On a new – or even the “Next Today the ninth strike in the current round of collective bargaining begins escalation “as GDL boss Claus Weselsky has expressed. Since autumn fight his union and the railway, on the weekend are more negotiations failed. Both freight and passenger transport are affected by the consequences of the conflict. For the first time now there is a indefinite strike . If the walkout last longer than the last time two weeks ago? With six days of strikes in passenger early May, a new record in the 21-year history of the Bahn AG was nevertheless established. But there is hope: An arbitration is not out loud Weselsky



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