Friday, May 15, 2015

Internet surfing and making calls abroad are likely to remain expensive –

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‘; $ (Status) .update (out); //f.focus (); $ (Status) .Show (); return false; } If (( == ‘cu_change_pass1′) & amp; & amp; (f.value.length Please enter a password with at least six characters ‘;. $ (Status) .update ( out); $ (status) .Show (); //f.focus (); return false;} if (( == ‘cu_change_pass2′) & amp; & amp; ($ (‘cu_change_pass1′). value! = f.value)) {out = out + ‘

The password confirmation does not match the password in line

.’; $ (status) .update (out); $ (Status) .Show (); //f.focus (); return false;} if (( == ‘cu_change_email’) & amp; & amp; (f.value.length Please enter your e-mail address . ‘; $ (status) .update (out); $ (status) .Show (); //f.focus (); return false;} if (( ==’ cu_change_anrede_Frau ‘) || ( ==’ cu_change_anrede_Herr ‘)) {if (! ($ (‘ cu_change_anrede_Frau ‘). checked || $ (‘ cu_change_anrede_Herr ‘). checked)) {out = out +’

Please choose a title

‘. $ (Status) .update (out); $ (Status) .Show (); //f.focus (); return false; }} If (( == ‘cu_change_vorname’) & amp; & amp; (f.value.length Please enter your first name ‘;. $ (Status) .update (out); $ (status) .Show (); //f.focus (); return false;} if (( == ‘cu_change_nachname’) & amp; & amp; (f.value.length Please enter your last name . ‘; $ (status) .update (out); $ (status) .Show (); //f.focus (); return false;} if (( ==’ cu_change_plz ‘)) {// delete blank f.value = f.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /,’ ‘);} if ( ==’ cu_change_ad_mobilvw ‘) {$ (‘ statusvw ‘) .Hide (); vw = f.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ 0 * ([1-9] +) 0 * ( d +) /, ‘$ 1 $ 2′); if (vw .length 0) {// number.focus (); $ (‘statusvw’) update (“

Please enter the code of your mobile phone together with a country code, eg: 43664 “); $ (‘statusvw’) show (). //f.focus (); return false; } Else {if ($ (‘cu_change_ad_telvw’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp;. $ (‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value == ”). $ (‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value = vw.replace (/^../, ’0′); f.value = vw; $ (‘Status’) hide (). return true; }} If ( == ‘cu_change_ad_mobil’) {$ (‘statusn’) hide (). vw = f.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); if (vw.length 0) {$ (‘statusn’) update (“

Please enter your phone number

..”); $ (‘Statusn’) show (). //f.focus (); return false; } Else {if ($ (‘cu_change_ad_telefon’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp; $ (‘cu_change_ad_telefon’) value == ‘.’) $ (‘Cu_change_ad_telefon’) value = VW. f.value = vw; $ (‘Statusn’) hide (). return true; }} Return true; } Function check code (field) {$ (‘statusvw’) hide (). vw = field.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ 0 * ([1-9] +) 0 * ( d +) /, ‘$ 1 $ 2′); if (vw.length 0) {// number.focus (); $ (‘Statusvw’) update (“

Please enter the code of your mobile phone together with a country code, eg: 43664

.”);. $ (‘Statusvw’) show (). field.focus (); return false; } Else {if ($ (‘cu_change_ad_telvw’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp;. $ (‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value == ”). $ (‘Cu_change_ad_telvw’) value =

vw.replace (/^../, ’0′); field.value = vw; $ (‘Status’) hide (). return true; }} Function check number (field) {$ (‘statusn’) hide (). vw = field.value.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); vw = vw.replace (/ [^ 0-9] /, ”); if (vw.length 0) {$ (‘statusn’) update (“

Please enter your phone number

..”); $ (‘Statusn’) show (). field.focus (); return false; } Else {if ($ (‘cu_change_ad_telefon’) = undefined & amp;! & Amp; $ (‘cu_change_ad_telefon’) value == ‘.’) $ (‘Cu_change_ad_telefon’) value = VW. field.value = vw; $ (‘Statusn’) hide (). return true; }} Function check number (number, seed, secret, myform) {// alert (“number =” + number + “seed =” + seed + “secret =” + secret); var ret = ‘foo’; var referer = ”; $ (‘Status’) hide (). IF return false (check code ($ (‘preselection’))!); if (! check number ($ (‘number’))) return false; try {$ (‘status’) show (). . $ (‘Status’) update (‘

Please wait …

‘); if ( (/ referer_backup /)) {referer =; } Var request = jQuery.ajax ({url: “/scripts/checkMobilenumber.php”, type: “POST”, data: {‘number’: number, ‘seed’: seed, ‘secret’: secret, ‘referer’ : referer}, success: function (msg) {$ (‘status’) update (‘

‘ + msg + ‘

‘); if (msg.replace (/ ^ s + | s + $ /. g, ”) == ‘Are you all right’) {$ (‘status’) hide (); myform.submit ();.} else {$ (‘status

Error:’ ‘) update (.’ + msg + ‘

‘);}}, error: function (jqXHR, text status) {$ (‘status’) update (‘

Error: “+ msg + ‘

‘);}}. ); } Catch (e) {$ (‘status’). Update (“

An error has occurred. The mobile phone number could not be checked.
Please contact the following error message on digital @ news. at

“+ e +”

“); return false; }} Event.observe (window, “load”, (e) function {$ $ (“.reg_input input”) each (function (el) {el.observe (‘blur’, checkRegField). El.observe (‘ KeyDown ‘, function () {$ (‘ status’) hide ();.});});});

security question
How much is 12 x 2?


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