Date: 05/11/2015 18:14 clock
These round of talks between Greece and the euro group is characterized by waiting for reform proposals. But the climate in the negotiations improves. German Finance Minister Schäuble supported an idea of the Greek Government.
When asked what this meeting of euro zone finance ministers on Greece in Brussels last Euro Group meeting on the same subject in the Latvian capital Riga distinction – to the Federal Minister of Finance remembered only the meteorological comparison. “It’s warmer and the weather is beautiful,” said Wolfgang Schäuble.
Steamed hope
But so summery sunny and warm this Monday was also in Brussels, so steamed is the hope of the finance ministers of the euro-zone countries that Greece submits the necessary in its opinion, pension and labor market reform – and without any ifs or buts the complete privatization of Greek seaports and airports allowed.
“The progress is not so, that is expected to meet with any decision. Everyone knows that before,” said Schäuble. After all: who have no hope, can not even be disappointed, Schäuble tried and its Euro-colleague to comfort: “We will be informed of the new state.” And adds: “There is no new thing in the subject”. In other words:. Man Greece this session would actually can save
The head of the Euro group, the Dutchman Jeroen Dijsselbloom shows emphasized disillusioned: What the face of menacing tide in the Greek treasury in Brussels and tomorrow due for Athens loan repayment plus interest on debt of 767 million euros to the International Monetary Fund for increasing nervousness in Brussels makes – however informed the Greek Ministry of Finance with the afternoon that the Transfer is carried out.
“We are now waiting for weeks on its reform plans,” complains European Parliament President Martin Schulz. Athens would be well advised to be very concrete, if the country is to be held financially going, continued Schulz.
However, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras promised during the election campaign, exactly contrary do what ask international donors of Athens. The EU calls for a significant increase in the retirement age, a reduction of pension benefits, fewer public employees, a comprehensive tax reform and an unrestricted Yes to privatize the Greek seaports and airports. So these are exactly the things that Tsipras can not implement without risking his own parliamentary majority and cleave his left Syriza party. As was originating from the Greek word “dilemma” actually attached, says Schäuble: “The dilemma is indeed a difficult to be dissolved.”
Schäuble <- - mediaCon!> : Referendum maybe correct action
And then attacked the German Finance Minister – without a journalist had asked him about it – the Tsipras suggestion of reform referendum in Greece on: “If the Greek Government thinks she has to do a referendum, then they should do a referendum. ” That would perhaps even a proper measure to let the Greek people decide whether accept the austerity measures or “prefer the other wanted to” – so says the Minister of Finance, the insolvency and the exit from the euro. Both moves closer to Schäuble’s assessment, if not soon concrete reforms will be implemented and EU loans to Athens flow. “And the time precedes, today is the 11th MAY”, said Schäuble.
A matter of time
In plain English this means: If nothing is done, a Greek bankruptcy is only a matter of time. One no longer very long time. In the next few days should be agreed with donors, says Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. But what this agreement should look like, is completely open.
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