Monday, May 18, 2015

Average Rental Prices: Rent in Berlin rise more slowly – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Rents in Berlin to rise more slowly. Average she went since 2013 at an annual rate of 2.7 percent, or 15 cents per square meter upward, as Urban Development Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) announced. The previously applicable rent index from 2013 had recorded growth of 3.1 percent.

The monthly net rent amounts in the capital now average 5.84 euros per square meter. Two years ago, there had still been 5.54 euros.

The rent index provides a biennial survey of local standards comparable rents for more than 1.3 million non-price-maintained flats in Berlin. At the evaluation of the collected data through surveys of organizations tenants and landlords, and experts are involved. The dispute between landlord and tenant about over rent increases can play an important role the customary comparative rent from the rent index.

Finally, a debate on its lineup was angry after the Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg had tilted the rent index. Author of the recent rent index was the Hamburg-based company F + B. The new collection comes from the Institute GEWOS.

Never be additional opinions been demanded

R & B defended the previous figures vehemently. “The courts have the Berlin rent index started always using the same methodology for years accepted as scientifically”, said the institute R & B.

The district court, which had tilted the rent index in the past week, the single opinion of an expert is followed. Neither of F + B or by the competent Berlin Senate had been called for additional opinions, it said. One should firmly keep in mind that the rent index was created based on sound scientific principles.

Berlin Senator hostage demanded meanwhile nationwide uniform criteria for the creation of rent levels. He could not rule out that courts continue to question presented individual aspects of the figures, he said. A uniform system would be useful to give tenants and landlords a reliable guide

What tenants need to know now -. The most important questions and answers at a glance



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