Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Approach in labor dispute: For the time being no strikes! Lufthansa pilots are ready … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 13.05.2015, 17:50
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The Pilots Lufthansa intend to accept the offer of an overall settlement. Until a conflict resolution explored, the pilots will waive strikes. By the end of July, the negotiations should be completed.

After twelve rounds the strike Lufthansa pilots wish to accept the offer of the airline for an overall settlement. Until the end of July should be explored with Lufthansa ways to solve the various conflicts, a spokesman for the pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit said on Wednesday.

By the end of the conciliation VC is ready to renounce strikes. Initially together should an arbitrator be found. The union will also talk about job relocations to low cost platform Euro Wings, which Lufthansa had previously rejected strictly.

Spohr made the first step

Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr was one step on the Annual General Meeting in late April on received the pilots’ union and had an overall settlement offered to prevent further strikes.

The company has argued that the VC are six collective agreements open. In hardest labor dispute the company’s history is unprecedented twelve strike rounds since April 2014

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