Sunday, February 5, 2017

VW has been a client feels “put off and cheated” – THE WORLD

Erstmals pulls a German major customer of the Volkswagen group in the course of the diesel scandal in court. Germany’s largest fish retailers, the company Deutsche see has submitted according to its own figures on Friday, the regional court of Braunschweig against VW for a claim for “fraudulent misrepresentation”.

“We are deeply disappointed with VW and feel put off, and cheated,” said company boss Egbert Miebach, according to the press release. At the same time, the company requires the rescission of the contract and damages in the amount of 11.9 million euros from VW, and the leasing subsidiary of the group, a spokesman confirmed.

The amount seems manageable, compared with the cost of a legal cleanup of the exhaust gas affair in the United States. There, the Wolfsburg-based group, after the recent agreement on engines with three liters of displacement for the payment of a total of more than 22 billion dollars (currently the equivalent of 20.4 billion Euro). However, the German lake set in motion the procedure could be a precursor for a number of other processes of fleet customers of VW.

Of the roughly 2.5 million cars, were in Germany with engineered exhaust-Software-on-the-go or are, is a significant part as the service vehicles on the road. In addition, private individuals have brought lawsuits on the way.

Agreed projects were hardly brought forward

Now the German lake back want not only your money, she turns from VW. “We’ll have a look at other manufacturers to concepts and are open for new partners”, – said the speaker. You have a fleet with less than 500 Persons and delivery vehicles, seven years ago, completely on a Volkswagen converted to use only low-emission or electric powered cars, as it was called.

“After several conversations about this, the Volkswagen group is a German lake has not only insured, to a fleet that meets these objectives, but it was also discussed and it was agreed that both companies want to develop the environment-friendly and future-oriented mobility”, the representation of the Bremerhaven fish company. The company began delivery vehicles of the group brands VW and, in the case of passenger car models from VW and Audi.

the car manufacturer have not solved the German lake for a about the use of “consciously manipulating” technology in diesel vehicles and, therefore, “against the spirit of the joint agreements will be violated”. The other agreed projects to be fleet, such as the increased use of E-cars and the reduction of environmental load in the vehicle “exclusively by Deutsche see – without any support by the VW –” been implemented. So VW have started only last year in earnest with the development of E-cars.

class="o-headline">VW with the German lake advertising

the company’s messages read at the Start of the Leasing contract as of the beginning of a beautiful corporate friendship. Today VW says under the Heading “a company with A Fresh” on his website about the then-new partners: “Deutsche see has always implemented an open ear for technical developments, providing Volkswagen commercial vehicles the ability to innovate quickly in areas such as environmental protection and efficiency.”

This looks German the lake is now very different. According to the medium-sized company – roughly 1,700 employees – has led to the Diesel-scandal at the car company, in the meantime, to organizational turbulence: “The discussions could not be with the responsible managers at VW, because these were replaced by lawyers and PR managers.” The difficulties, however, were intentionally obscured. The results from the allegation of “fraudulent misrepresentation”.

This book comes under the Civil law, if someone leaves another with intent in a mistake, for example, to accomplish a contract is signed. This error could be due to false pretenses, but also by simple Concealment of facts – for example, the exhaust gas of the true values.

All Attempts for amicable settlement failed

The German lake had announced your complaint is already half a year ago. In the meantime, all Attempts have failed to reach an amicable agreement. VW have blocked calls “”, the German lake. “We see no other option than a lawsuit, to come up with Volkswagen”, said the spokesman. The auto group was first covered: “Since the action, the Volkswagen AG has not yet been delivered, can’t comment on the Volkswagen AG, to the content,” said a group spokesman.

in addition to the damages issues, the punitive running legal processing of the exhaust-gas affair. The public Prosecutor in Braunschweig determined, in the meantime, also against the former CEO, Martin Winterkorn, due to suspicion of fraud. So far, the winter grain had been the only accused on suspicion of intentional market manipulation. Overall, the state to identify lawyers in the affair now, against 37 persons.

The intra-group chief enlightener Christine Hohmann-dennhardt has abandoned only a few days ago. The former constitutional judge resigned after only a year as a legal Executive in the case of the Wolfsburg group, which she had poached a short time after becoming aware of the exhaust gas scandal with Daimler.


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