Wednesday, February 8, 2017

High fees: The biggest savings Bank in Germany is now introducing negative interest rates – FOCUS Online

“The long-term negative interest rate policy of the European Central Bank also makes it necessary for us to take for larger funds from institutional investors and corporate clients a custody fee,” said Haspa spokeswoman Stefanie, Carl castle, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” of Wednesday. Negative interest rates for private customers but should “be avoided as long as possible”.

With the corporate customers of the Bank would currently led talks, said Carl castle. The interest rate is not rigidly fixed, but is addressed “to the individual’s business volume with the Haspa”. On request by FOCUS Online is a haspa spokesman said that for the plant height of individual agreements.

private clients to get a minimal interest rate at the Haspa. The product “Savings account for Hamburg” brings 0,03% interest per year. That is to say: For 10,000 euros, the savers will receive just three Euro interest rates.

current accounts comparison to The offers of 50 banks in the comparison

The Haspa is according to a

Ranking by the German savings banks and Giro Association, the largest savings Bank in Germany, among other things, according to the balance sheet total and customer deposits. In front of her a number of other banks had introduced negative interest rates for commercial customers. Also private clients get the difficulties of the money, the houses felt: in Many places, account and card fees.

the key rate of The European Central Bank (ECB), the banks are to money in your to borrow, is in March 2016 at 0.0 percent. If the banks Parking money at the ECB, you have to pay penalty interest.


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