FRANKFURT/ESCHBORN (dpa-AFX) – Due to the purchase of shares of the company’s German-stock-exchange-in-chief, Carsten has come to the attention of the judiciary. The Prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt am Main, who is against the Chairman of the Board, informed the Dax-group <DE0008469008> on Wednesday evening. Chairman of the Supervisory Board Joachim Faber rejected the accusations in a message sharply: “The allegations are baseless.” The Prosecutor’s office was not initially be reached for comment.
Specifically, the acquisition of German-stock-exchange-shares with a total value of 4.5 million euros, He on 14. December 2015. Two months later, the German stock exchange < agreed;DE0005810055> <DE000A2AA253> with the London Stock Exchange (LSE) on a merger, then the shares prices of both companies rose significantly.
“Carsten has made his purchase of shares in the context of a compensation program, adopted by the Supervisory Board and until the end of December 2015 it was only temporary”, – said the chief overseer Faber. Deutsche Boerse and LSE had agreed but “only in the second half of
Deutsche Börse and LSE want to forge a European stock exchange giant. Currently, various regulatory agencies consider plans for the Merger. The approval of the EU competition authorities and the Hessian exchange Supervisory authority. The legal seat of the parent company in London, in Frankfurt for criticism, especially after the British prepare to exit the EU in your country (Brexit). He appeared undeterred. The project was well advanced, he said two weeks ago at the new year’s reception. Support it from the influence of shareholder Blackrock.

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