Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Munich Re Figures send shares into a nose-dive, but… – OnVista

The world’s largest reinsurer Munich Re has today presented early Numbers and has to cope with a significant drop in earnings – particularly in the fourth quarter of damage, as well as expensive natural disasters of recent big push on the balance sheet.

in The last financial year, under the leadership of the chief Executive officer Nikolaus von Bomhard generated profit was the bottom line at 2.6 billion euros, that is half a billion less than a year earlier. Especially hurricanes in the United States, as well as the earthquake in new Zealand costs in the reinsurer together almost half a billion Euro on the year as a whole saw there was more damage than in the previous year. Positively, however, the business with capital investments, which dropped to 7.6 billion euros, around one percent more than in the previous year. The Board would like to hold the shareholders with an increased dividend in the mood for – you will be raised the last of 8.25 to 8.60 euros per share and thus stronger than experts expected. But the group must renovate the dividend level in the future and in the tendency which can be removed. Especially the Ergo-conversion costs another loss-making year and will pay off only at the beginning of the next decad e.

Although the figures are not just ordered for the Best, reward investors, the today’s balance sheet with only a relatively small discount. Although the share price tends to fresh year lows, but compared to the previous year, right-wacker – Here the increase in the dividend plays particularly a crucial role and keeps the investors at the bar. From a technical point of view, relapse is, however, with today’s exchange Rate is a short-term upward trend broken, but could be in the course of the day. Since the beginning of the year but a minor downtrend channel and could at times lead to further charges. However, it could be a longer-term Investment at the current price level, given that the shares are listed, in comparison to the year high in 2015 good 16 percent lower.

the value of paper braced against downward trend

Since the performance of the Munich Re share price is currently somewhat opaque time, should tend to access in the medium-term-oriented investors. Charges 170,00 Euro further in the room, and from there it can go relatively quickly back to the annual highs at 181,65 Euro, as well as in the further course to be held on from April 2016 at 185.00 Euro is on the up again. This risk can draw-tolerant investors, by way of example on the Unlimited Turbo Long certificate (WKN: CX8ED5) and at the end a return of up to 98 percent. A loss limit is measured on the basis of value should be below 168,45 euros – including a larger sell-signal in the direction

of 160,00 Euro, as well as coarse 155,50 Euro is assumed.

supports: 173,25; 171,65; 170,00; 169,30; 168,45; 165,55 Euro

Resistances: 175,95; 178,20; 179,50; 180,00; 181,65; 185,00 Euro

strategy: Long positions only in the medium term makes sense

Should Re, Munich share in the range of 170,00 Euro soon to be sustainable, and again to the top turn, would stabilize a potential recovery back to the April highs from 2015 at € 185.00 in the room. This can be by way of example on the featured Unlimited Turbo Long certificate (WKN: CX8ED5) and promises this is a yield of 98 percent. A suitable loss limit is higher than 168,45 EUR.

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