criticized The Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, has the Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) sharply. “I would like to ask the Chancellor of the derogatory Remarks of Minister of Finance Schäuble against Greece, as well as references that the Greeks lived beyond their means, to stop,” said Tsipras at a party rally of his left-wing government Syriza party.
“Who is playing with a ‘Eurozone’s two-speed’, with cleavage and division, is playing with fire,” said the head of government. He could not imagine that it is in the sense of the German government to send arsonist with matches in an ammunition warehouse. You will not make any claims on the part of the creditors to sign, which is not made on the Basis of logic and Numbers.
Tsipras was referring to recent Statements by Schäuble, Greece bar to a higher standard of living than it could generate. Necessary, further reforms were. “Otherwise you will not be able to remain in the currency Union,” said Schaeuble.
The bankruptcy-threatened country and its international creditors struggle in difficult negotiations, to the current austerity and reform program. International financial aid Greece to preserve for years prior to the bankruptcy.
In the summer to pay back the
the middle of 2015, had been agreed by the Euro-Partner with Greece a third programme of assistance in the amount of up to EUR 86 billion. Unlike the predecessor programs, the IMF is not involved in this but, so far, with its own financial resources. The organization calls for the long-term sustainability of the Greek debt, marriage do you want to make further money. In this respect, Greece would have to be more debts. Germany and Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble reject the. Tsipras said, however, not only Schäuble, but also the International monetary Fund (IMF), the willingness to find a solution.

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