Monday, February 6, 2017

Silicon Valley raises voice against Donald Trump – TIME ONLINE

Nearly 100 American tech companies have criticized Donald trump’s ban on entry for citizens of seven Muslim countries before the court. Under the business corporations such as Apple, Google, Facebook or Microsoft. You submitted a detailed opinion in the case of a court of appeal in San Francisco.

write to The companies that the United States has always been a country of immigration. Immigrants contribute to many innovations in America. The President’s decree was discriminatory and in breach of laws and the American Constitution. More than 200 companies were founded by immigrants or their descendants, argue the companies. Including prominent corporations such as Apple, Kraft, Ford, AT&T, Google, McDonald’s or Boeing.

in addition, the decree of the weakness of the competitiveness of the US economy. “In the long run it will be for American companies due to the instability much more difficult and more expensive to employ the greatest talents in the world,” reads the Letter, which was signed by 97 companies. “If the decree remains in place, it is commitments for individuals and companies is impossible to predict which countries could be affected as the next”, stated the company.

Amazon, Yahoo, and Tesla is missing

Among the 97 companies, eBay, Intel, Netflix, Twitter, Snapchat-operator Snap, the Firefox developers Mozilla, the camera specialist, GoPro, the agent for the apartment AirBnB and the ride services Uber and Lyft. On the possibility of a broader coalition beyond the borders of Silicon Valley, in addition to the participation of the Jeans company Levi Strauss, and the yogurt manufacturer Chobani suggests.

At the same time, some large companies in the tech industry, such as Amazon, IBM, Oracle, Yahoo or Elon Musks companies, Tesla and SpaceX are missing. Musk was joined in a panel of advisors of Trump, from the Uber-Chef Travis Kalanick last week after a massive criticism from customers. It is also striking that the letter to Google and not the parent company, Alphabet, signed.

article__item"> – entry ban is currently suspended

A Federal judge in Seattle had Trumps decree suspended on Saturday morning at the request of the States of Washington and Minnesota. The US President subsequently appealed. The court of appeal in San Francisco rejected the application for a temporary injunction by the government on the immediate lifting of this Blockade of the entry ban. It wants to first hear more detailed arguments from both sides.

Since then, the entry for citizens of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen is prohibited. Numerous flight lines by setting the entry of nationals of these countries. Donald Trump has reacted to the defeats in court, with stricter controls of persons on entry.

Trump had at the end of January a 90-day immigration stop for people from the majority of Islamic countries, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen. Refugees from all over the world should be locked for 120 days, from Syria, even for an indefinite period of time. Against the ban, tens of thousands of people demonstrated around the world.

USA – Trump arranges intensive immigration controls to After two legal defeats in trying to prohibit the citizens of seven Muslim countries, the entry, U.S. President Donald Trump checks on persons arranged. He instructed the Ministry of homeland security with the task. © photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

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