Saturday, February 4, 2017

Deutsche Bank apologizes in Ad for errors THE WORLD

last update: 12:49 PM | Reading time: 2 minutes

FFrankfurt/Main – With a page display wealth in a number of Newspapers, has apologized to the Deutsche Bank for the errors of the past.

“Since I was one and a half years, Chairman of the management Board of Deutsche Bank, we had to spend a total of around five billion euros for legal cases, whose causes are to a large part many years back,” writes Bank chief John Cryan on Saturday.

This Legacy of the past would have cost the Bank a lot of money, but also Reputation and trust. “We would like to apologize for that. There are serious mistakes were made”, – stated in the Declaration, which had given Cryan also to the balance sheet template on Thursday. Yet there is another method, which will impact

your results, but the money the house had completed “significant legal cases”.

The radical transformation of the group and of the removal of expensive Legacy had been at Deutsche Bank for the second year in a row for red Numbers: the Bottom line is that the Bank in 2016, has lost approximately 1.4 billion Euro. A year earlier it had reported a Record loss of EUR 6.8 billion.

Germany’s largest money house agreed least with the US authorities because of the controversial mortgage deals before the financial crisis, and has paid more fines in the US and the UK because of a money-laundering affair, the customers of the Institute were involved. The Ad has now been connected in a number of Newspapers. Not expressed in the costs to a Bank spokesman. For full-page Ads can price tens of thousands of euros lists are incurred.

explanation of the Cryan online


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