Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Siemens – Restrained Joy Sü

A shareholders ‘ meeting of Siemens is in times of Trump different than usual: The Numbers are good, the Manager on optimism – but all the questions: How should it go further?

It is shortly after seven p.m. in the Olympic hall in Munich, when three men and a woman on the Backs of the black leather chairs to hold and very serious in the cameras view. The Siemens managing Board members, including CEO Joe Kaeser, and the American Lisa Davis, and good Numbers present, but their faces don’t match the tables and curves that you show here. An hour.

Because the Figures, strategies, key points of a major international group: turnover has risen in the past quarter, to more than 19 billion Euro, the profit of 30 percent to 1.9 billion euros. The profit forecast for the current year has been increased, the stock is more expensive. Thousands of new hires there have been in Germany, and even a new Chairman of the Supervisory Board has found Siemens. Nevertheless, these expressions are as early in the Morning – and stay: seriously. “It worries us, it worries me personally that we hear sounds, which fit so far to our perception of this country,” says Kaeser.

He says the new Trump-America.

this Would be a normal Siemens annual General meeting in normal times, would be the people sitting there at the front, probably very much euphoric. Kaeser tried it with Humor: “Today you would say: Make Siemens great again,” he says. Laughter. It’s been so far, Trump-joke work, at least a little, in spite of all of the foregoing.

It is a kind of Experiment, to try out the Siemens President and CEO and his Directors before its shareholders. The experimental set-up: US President, Donald Trump divided the world and its economic laws and regularities in daily Twitter clock, free trade under fire, the British want the hard cut with Europe – and the industry needs to receive shareholders and Business as usual. This is all about? Not really. On the other hand, As a global company must earn then money and jobs bring in, when in Washington a Trump ruled. So the message is: ordinary shareholders ‘ meeting, please.

“has supplied Siemens, a heartfelt thank you,” said Daniela Bergdolt of the German protection Association for securities holding (DSW). A Moment in which everything is as always. And Kaeser wants to deliver, despite all of Trump and Brexit-the stories must continue. He wants to expand the old Munich-based electro group, with billion of acquisitions to become a leading company for the digitalization of the industry, therefore, the former SAP Co-chief Jim Hagemann Snabe to the successor of Gerhard Cromme at the top of the Siemens Supervisory Board is nominated. Kaeser swears its shareholders on the multi-billion dollar IPO of the medical technology division, which is now called “Healthineers,” and he praises the Acquisition of the Spanish wind turbine manufacturer Gamesa. “We have delivered what we have promised,” he says.

Siemens-Chef Joe Kaeser, as well as the members of the management Board Ralf P. Thomas (CFO), Lisa Davis (energy), Klaus Helmrich (industrial, from the right) presented to the shareholders on

Wednesday, a good balance sheet.

(photo: Matthias Schrader/AP).

However, not depend on it only by him alone, whether he can deliver in the future the promised supplies or not. The world has become too complicated. A conversation with Lisa Davis, 53, in the Siemens managing Board for the energy sector. At the press conference early in the Morning, she talks about a large-scale project in Egypt, Gas turbines, wind energy, Gamesa. “Highly competitive” business. This is a tough competition. Shortly thereafter, the American woman stands in front of the stage of the Olympia hall and tells about her home country: “I don’t know what we have to expect, there are large uncertainties.” Uncertainty is poison for a company preparing its strategies for the long term.

CEO Kaeser stresses happen, how strong it is in the United States: 60 factories, more than 50 000 employees, billion of exports from the US, 30 billion dollars had been invested here in the past few years, 35 per cent of the tax rate amounts to for Siemens; in addition, the United States, with 22 billion dollars in annual revenue, the largest single market for the company. Recently a 100-million-Dollar order for car maker General Motors on the list – “reliable” was established in the United States, says Siemens President and CEO, a “well-established part of society”.

America first? We are in the process!

Lisa Davis is expected, therefore, “good Connections to the new Administration as we had with the previous government and there are good Connections” – even if the New have in the White house “a different style of leadership”. A few meters further on, the Supervisory Board chief Gerhard Cromme is Still in the hall. He, too, would like to say something to the current policy: “It will be close, Europe needs to stick together now.” It sounds very like a political demand.

“We focus on our customers, and we should not forget.”

Later, in front of its shareholders, will also Kaeser then again politically. America was only on its immigrants is large, therefore, it would be “a shame if the things that made the country great, are now drawn into doubt,” says the man who has worked for several years in the United States.

Plan is not so easy in these times. “We focus on our customers, nor should it be forgotten,” says Kaeser. Whether that’s enough is another question. It would not be, perhaps, but gradually the time for the industry to be now politically? Kaeser is now very serious and says: “We have a small company.” The great world of politics is another thing, the policy is responsible.

a Large group now, but again a bit small. Siemens is a Problem that many big companies: It is increasingly difficult to understand the new America, this important market. To create a now head-on with Trump? Or prefer to very carefully observe what is happening there? No one wants to be the Morning after the next Top-Act in the Twitter-messages from the President.


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