Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Server Start-up Protonet is insolvent – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The two Protonet founder Ali Jelveh (left) and Christopher Blum with your Protonet-Box.

Protonet has been for a long time the flagship Start-up in Germany, but now it has filed for bankruptcy. “Because the Betriebs GmbH is not liable since at the beginning of 2016 successful, it is no more us from now on, unfortunately, possible to carry our company further”, – stated in a communication to investors of the company.

Jonas Jansenauthor: Jonas Jansen, editor in business.

Protonet needed more investors, a venture capital locked but a further round of financing. “In our last financing, talk with our money and we have donors, unfortunately, no positive feedback”, – stated in the message. This means that for the Start-up.

five years Ago, the Hamburg-based company was founded with the aim to produce safe and easily operated servers for customers. In the vortex of the global Surveillance by intelligence services, was revealed by the Whistleblower Edward Snowden, use of Protonet, the brand “Made in Germany” a safe Alternative for data storage.

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About the so-called Crowdfunding, a Crowdfunding on the Internet, gathered some Start-up within six days, over three million euros – a record, Protonet was the best-funded Crowdfunding companies in Germany.

Black Figures were missing until the last

But basically, it went from there, steadily downhill: That’s a good idea and leads straight to the money blessing and the successful development of the technology, often full-bodied promise afterwards, also felt Protonet. A first warning signal for the swarm of investors of the introduction of the so-called Accelerators Y Combinator in the case of Protonet was in April 2014.

Because, unlike private individuals, the Investor from the Silicon Valley contributed to a much lower rating, seven per cent of the company were there already for $ 120,000. In consequence, there was a

dispute about whether Protonet would have to pay off the other investors.

What was missing from the company up to the last, were in the black. This is not unusual for Start-ups, but the restructuring of Protonet is not helped by the organization. In the meantime, the Hamburger reduced the workforce significantly in Germany and outsourced the business to a newly formed parent company in the United States.


For many supporters of the project, where the idea of “Made in Germany” was particularly important, as revealed by Protonet to its own Ideals. At the same time, Protonet promises that the stored data of its customers were safely stored. Nevertheless, the Start-up is recommended to change the service because of the Service, the Server would set in soon.

Protonet is not the only failed company that has gained through Crowdfunding, start-up assistance, but one of the most prominent through the record funding. To make it to this point, is anything other than, of course, Only a little more than half of all projects on the platform Startnext be financed.


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