Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The works Council VW Ultimatum Sü provides


  • In the case of VW threatens to escalate a dispute between the works Council and the management Board. The recently concluded future of the Pact.
  • The employee representatives prior to the throw VW, to not Central conditions from the Pact.
  • amongst other things, more worker time and temporary Employees left the company as agreed upon.
Max Hägler and Klaus Ott

Just a couple of days Herbert Diess. A few days in order to mend the relationship between him, one of the most important Manager of Volkswagen and the powerful works councils, somehow. Otherwise, the exhaust gas affair of private debt in the troubled auto giant will soon be the next big Problem. Because the workforce and their trade Union, IG Metall, to go This hard. So hard, that even a separation of the VW brand Board of management responsible is not excluded. In the process, This was brought 2015, to restore the health of the ailing core business of the car company, who, in addition to VW’s many brands, from Audi to Porsche.

The works Council at group headquarters in Wolfsburg, Germany, has sent the VW brand Board of management, Diess and chief of staff Karlheinz Blessing a letter that describes a broken relationship. The employer should save the page under over the first almost three months ago, agreed the future Pact of the jobs. The confrontation instead of consensus.

At the end of the four-page letter, an Ultimatum. “We call on you, Dr. Blessing, and Dr. Diess, until Monday, 13. February, to explain in writing to the operating Committee, whether, and if so, how you imagine a cooperation with the works Council.” In addition, Management should make recent decisions to the detriment of employees abrückgängig. Thirteen signatures follow. The most important dates of the works Council chief Bernd Osterloh. Against the little goes on in Wolfsburg.

Piëchs statement charged to winter grain hard

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Jörg Hofmann, Chairman of the IG Metall and as well as Osterloh and the Supervisory Board at Volkswagen, seconded the works Council chief: “A binding Pact just like that, is not acceptable,” says Hofmann of the SZ. He call of Diess, to keep to the future Pact. It is unacceptable that the hard-earned compromise will be called into question.

made This compromise with the large-sounding name, had the employer and the workers of the VW brand, the most important part of the group, after fierce mutual attacks and months-long Haggling. The goal of the Pact is to make the comparison to competitors is not very profitable core VW brand more profitable. 30 000 Posts are to be deleted, to prevent still worse; supposedly without any great hardship. At the same time, 9000 new Jobs should be created, especially in Wolfsburg and in the field of electric mobility. Even the of Osterloh led the works Council had for years warned that VW and earn too little money. The workers ‘ representatives had even submitted to a private saving package.

The Salary cap from VW is a joke

class="teaserable-layout__abstract">Volkswagen Manager “should only earn” a maximum of ten million, it is my in Wolfsburg, completely serious. And that says it all really. comment by Ulrich Schaefer more…

The works councils complain about that, the more time workers have to go as agreed

Now the works councils of the world’s largest car manufacturer and complain that the more time workers and fixed-term Employees will leave the company as agreed. In a car Assembly line at the Wolfsburg site, a whole layer should be deleted. This will lead to more temporary workers would lose their place. And of the promised new Jobs in areas of the Future, was practically to feel. Finally, the brand Board, so Herbert Diess, skills pull. And in a way that speak to the efforts of the company, for flatter hierarchies and faster decision-making. Criticism on criticism.

The consequence of this: The works Council, a quasi-collaboration with the employer. Talks were cancelled, such as the planned 40-hour week. Requests for more work, the employer must submit to the works Council, will not be endorsed until further notice, said in the Letter.

It is not only one thing, it is called from different pages in the company. It Diess to the Person. The native of Munich was switched before the one and a half years of BMW in Munich to VW to Wolfsburg. In Munich, the mechanical engineer also had the reputation to be a cost-pusher. In Wolfsburg, he was immediately. Especially in the case of Osterloh. The future of Pact was also intended to put an end to this dispute. But now, after not even three months it all starts again. Word-break is kept Diess in the workers camp. CEO Matthias Müller was different. You could rely on: “If you say we’ll go around to the left, then the left.” In the context of This criticism of the works Council is dismissed. It was strange, even now, vorzurechnen which Jobs are removed. The Pact indeed, up to the year 2020.

To Diess, need the workers to stock the Land of lower Saxony

But the workers in the warehouse of the Volkswagen is, apparently, determined to get thrown out of This not work, if the wheel is turned. Already in the past week, the valiant Porsche works Council chief Uwe Hück had declared, “the Social is a trademark of our group. Who lives that does not suit us”. Porsche is one of the most important brands of the Volkswagen group. Hück belongs to such as Osterloh and IG-metal-Chef Hofmann to the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen. There, the workers, the warehouse has a major influence but not the majority. To overthrow This, it would take the works Council and the trade Union, at least the votes of the state of lower Saxony, is represented in the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen with Prime Minister Stephan Weil and Minister of Economics, Olaf Lies.

got Because of the Osterloh-letter to read with the Ultimatum to Diess on Wednesday afternoon. Whether the lower Saxony government head since its Position in the conflict was not yet known. It was also unclear how the Porsche and Piëch families behavior. The two families, they are the main shareholders of VW, had been known several times to Diess. Most recently, in the autumn of last year. Whether this is still true, was on Wednesday still not in sight. From the group’s circles, it was said, it all comes down to an “escalation in addition to the course”. The families would then have to take a Position.


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