Friday, February 10, 2017

Doubt as to revenue times the dispute over the toll for Cars in the back – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Berlin (AP) – New doubts about the promised revenue at times the dispute over the toll for Cars. Prior to the further deliberations of the plans of the Federal transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) has demanded the coalition partner SPD for clarity on the earnings.

“The CSU shall not toll the end in itself,” said SPD parliamentary group Deputy Sören Bartol Deutsche Presse-Agentur. Now had to do the math Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), whether there is additional revenue. The Opposition demanded the toll. Dobrindt rejected concerns.

Green party leader, Anton Hofreiter said, with a view to the SPD: “The skepticism comes late, but not too late. The expense of the tolls is disproportionate to your income.” Group Vice Oliver Krischer asked if Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) speak no word against the “toll-madness”, would have to stop the SPD and its Chancellor candidate, Martin Schulz, the toll in the Bundesrat and the Bundestag. Left-traffic expert Herbert Behrens asked: “Dobrindts foreigners toll must be immediately dismantled.”

Background are new concerns about the Department’s forecast of below-the-line, more than 500 million euros in revenue per year. According to a Thursday study submitted on behalf of the motoring clubs ADAC in a loss of business threatens the state. However, according to a published report for the Ministry could be the revenue to be even higher than predicted. SPD politician Bartol, warned: “The opinion-the confusion must have an end.”

Dobrindt stressed that the calculations were “solid and conservative”, which confirm the opinion. “What the ADAC is doing at the moment, this is simply wrong,” said the Minister to the station “Antenne Bayern”. He, too, had “very little understanding of the fact

that the ADAC, with its toll-not represents Maulerei obviously, the interests of the German car driver in this thing.”

In the study for the ADAC it is, given the system cost, a deficit of 71 million euros in the sought toll emergent in the current operation-start year 2019. You’ll in addition to the recurring costs of the System-introduction of five years, to 2019, a “shortfall” of 147 million euros. This Minus could rise by 2023 to 251 million euros.

The report commissioned by the Ministry comes to the conclusion that revenues could be up to 25 percent higher than previously forecast./p>

The Cabinet had taken the end of January, Changes to the 2015 existing toll-laws on the way. You put a Dobrindt with the EU Commission agreed to a compromise, the Brussels green light for the toll.


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