Sunday, May 31, 2015

BILD explains the new law regulating the rental brokerage | Today is the … – PICTURE

Hardly any other topic is the courts as much as residential disputes. IMAGE combines the latest verdicts together. more …

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Axel Springer Verlag – interest in T-Online? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! – Sü

  • In an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung has Axel-Apringer CEO Mathias Döpfner the accusation, from the publisher make a service company want to.
  • He also made it clear that no Springer takeover of T-Online Internet platform plane. Last week the Telekom had for the first time publicly acknowledged that the portal up for sale.
  • “We are interested in at present particularly the English-speaking world,” says Döpfner the SZ.

From Varinia Bernau and Caspar Busse

In the 18th floor of the Axel Springer tower in Berlin was vigorously rebuilt. CEO Mathias Döpfner, 52, and his fellow board members have now only eleven square small individual offices behind a glass wall. Is discretion demand, they can at least draw a thin white curtain. Döpfner are gladly demonstratively open and modern. He opens his smartphone the techno music and explains how he wants to reinvent the traditional publisher new

Axel Springer has set in recent years a lot of money in Internet portals where you -. Such as StepStone – looking for a new job or – can compare prices – as in Idealo. And the group has broken up with newspapers. This has Döpfner, is introduced for 14 years CEO reputation to turn the publisher a services company

An accusation is unjustified in his opinion -. Because at Springer, as he emphasizes, even in the analog days only one-third of the crew was in charge of journalism, and the remainder allowed to sell ads that newspapers and magazines only. “If we want to emancipate the idea of ​​the newspaper from the paper, we have to go this route. Other no longer believe in journalism and invest in IT start-ups or e-commerce. This is rescuing a company by changing the business purpose,” says Döpfner in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung . “This is precisely the way we do not go.”

“A takeover of T-Online’s very unlikely”

Also, why was Axel Springer recently as one of

the most promising buyers traded for T-Online. The Internet site where you can read news, but can log for an email service that reaches so many people like no other in Germany. But Döpfner now granted the maneuver a rejection – even if it still remains open one last option. “A takeover of T-Online’s very unlikely,” says Döpfner.

So far, T-Online is one of Deutsche Telekom. In the past week but had Tim Höttges, CEO of Telekom, the first time publicly acknowledged that the portal up for sale. The group have already initiated talks with potential buyers, he said at the meeting in Cologne. The business behind the website on which you can read news, but can log for an email service that have outlived their usefulness.

Höttges who leads the Telekom since one and a half years, attaches great importance to that the company focuses on its strengths – namely the provision of networks. Out of business with another of its portals, Scout 24, the Telekom withdrew in November-2013. The Group has 70 percent of its shares in the company that had grown up with the Internet classifieds, transferred to an American financial investor – and it pocketed 1.7 billion euros. That was more than many industry observers had thought possible. Recently it was said that a takeover of T-Online by Springer hinauszögere because both companies have different price expectations.

“Our priorities are different”

Mathias Döpfner now set clear, however, flirting with other acquisitions. “Our priorities are different,” he said. “We currently interested especially the English-speaking world.” The group, many companies look at. “If you knew how many projects we consider you would be quite nervous as a journalist. But 90 percent of things not be realized just because we do not want to pay the asking price, because the company is not yet so attractive, because we from Management are not convinced “

read the interview with SZ plus:


Monday Interview “We have slept too long in Europe”

Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner on the difficulty to invent a new company, acquisition plans and the job as a dog groomer.


Post CEO prejudges next round of collective bargaining trade union Verdi on –

Before the start of the 6th round of talks in the wage dispute at the post office today in Berlin CEO Frank Appel has attacked the union Verdi sharp. This put the staff under pressure so that they continue to contribute to the ongoing strikes. “The employees are bullied, it is stirred up fear, so that they can gather behind the union,” the Post’s CEO who said “Welt am Sonntag”.

background the labor dispute is in addition to the dispute over working hours and salaries for about 140 000 postal workers in particular, the construction of 49 regional companies for parcel delivery. There are working to post information more than 6,000 people. They are paid by the lower rate of freight forwarding and

logistics industry.



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Tsipras Athens not for long duration of negotiations in charge – ABC Online

Sunday , 05.31.2015, 19:26
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The Greek Government is of responsible vision of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras not for the length of the negotiations with the international lenders.

The fact that up to now there was no agreement, not lying on the intransigence of the Greek side, emphasized the left government on Sunday in an article in the French newspaper “Le Monde”.

The bankrupt threatened country have submitted a number of proposals for reform, which resulted in an increase in tax revenues. Tsipras made without naming concrete names, neoliberal leaders in the EU responsible for ensuring that the negotiations have not yet been completed. These politicians wanted to set an example to Athens.

“Greece is the first victim,” Tsipras wrote. “All countries that do not want to give in to the power (the neoliberals), should therefore be severely punished.” The penalties existed not only in the imposition of a strict austerity

policy, but could also prevention of payments or the introduction of a parallel currency alongside the euro result have.

Athens urgently needs new capital injections in order to avert the threat of state bankruptcy. For this purpose, however, the lenders require a comprehensive reform program.


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Next warning strikes at German post – Verdi boss threatens – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



BERLIN / BONN (AFX) – Amidst ongoing strikes at Deutsche Post & lt; DPW.ETR & gt; cooks the labor dispute at the Bonner mail and logistics group up next. The head of the trade union Verdi, Frank Bsirske, accused the management immediately before the beginning of new negotiations in Berlin on Monday a filibuster against and threatened with an expansion of the labor dispute: “When the post-board further runs its course so, then we are running on a massive confrontation “, Bsirske said the” Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung “.

Employees of the Post continued their strikes on Saturday nationwide continued. After Verdi’s information some 5,000 employees went on strike, as it was from the Berlin trade union center. Only in Berlin, Brandenburg and Bavaria there was a warning strike-break.

On Friday several thousand employees had already resigned from their work. That is why millions letters should reach their recipients until later, according to the Post. Bsirske told the newspaper that if necessary the recent warning strikes could also be extended to regular strikes. For a corresponding ballot would be necessary.

The union demanded 5.5 percent more money for the approximately 140,000 postal employees, and a shortening of the working week by 2.5 to 36 hours without loss of pay. A core of the conflict is the establishment of 49 regional companies for parcel delivery. There are working according to post for more than 6,000 people. They are paid not according to the pay scale of the Group, but after the generally lower rate of freight forwarding and logistics industry.

“This is entgrenztes profit that get the neck is not fully” criticized the head of Verdi the wage policy of the post. “One can expect from the market leader that he is also in pay forward.” / Jap / TSP / DP / STW


labor dispute Post and Verdi expect tough bargaining

The German Post and the union Verdi do not expect a rapid breakthrough in their accompanied by massive strikes labor dispute. In this it comes to money, working hours, and the outsourcing of jobs in new companies within the postal More

20/05/2015, 17.: 17 clock | Economy



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Next strikes at German post – Verdi boss threatens

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New laws: What is on 1 June, everything changes – THE WORLD

As of June may be employees and consumers feel a bit safer. Not only the occupational health and safety is improved, the labeling of certain goods such as cleaning products is unified internationally. And then it should be even more favorable for tenants – all the changes in Germany as of June 1:

ordering principle

The one who ordered the broker must pay for his services. This applies from 1 June for landlords and tenants alike. But the so-called buyer principle intervenes only in the letting of residential property. When buying real estate, it does not come into play.

To date, most tenants had to raise the commission fee, even if the landlord had instructed the brokers. Especially in urban areas it was far been customary that the landlord abwälzten spending on real estate experts in the tenants, says Ulrich Ropertz the German Tenants’ Association in Berlin.

If the tenant a broker with finding a suitable apartment itself, but they have to pay in the future it. “The apartment has the broker then only for those tenants find” explains Inca Marie Storm from owners Association Home & amp; Basic Germany. “For an apartment that is already held by the broker, the prospective customer does not pay.” Because here so the landlord has already placed an order for mediation.

“The provisions in the law are unambiguous,” says Ropertz. “You can not be easily bypassed.” Let brokers, for example, during the visit to sign tenants an order to oblige them to pay the brokerage fee, which is inadmissible. Also high transfer fees for furnishings, the owner now may request to take back the money in a roundabout way, are not allowed.

“tricks are prohibited,” says Storm also. In case of violations threatens a fine of up to 25,000 euros. Who wrongly paid commission after June 1, can reclaim the money. “For tenants three years remain fundamentally” says Ropertz. Only after expiry of this period, the claims.

Rent brake

In addition, effective on 1 June the Law on Rent brake into force. They should apply only in areas with “strained housing situation”. Rent may there only a maximum of ten percent will be re-letting of existing properties on the local comparative rent.

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new buildings are exempt from the rent brake. The same applies to the first rental for a comprehensive modernization, when the restoration effort in the old building accounts for about one third of the cost for a comparable new apartment.

But this means not that all conurbations from Monday Rent brake applies. First, the states have to determine the affected residential areas

New labeling

From the drain cleaner to furniture polish -. As of June are new warnings on the packaging of detergents. Although valid for more than four years, such labeling requirement for products with only one ingredient – now the mixed products are tuned explains the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Laves)

is new is that the orange hazard symbols previously used are gradually being replaced by global harmonized pictograms. Together with certain signal words they should give at a glance information about can be made which dangers for health or the environment.

Photo: PA / obs / TÜV Rheinland AG To see the new warnings from

Fixed the new identification system, the so-called Globally Harmonised System (GHS). of the United Nations In future, there are nine pictograms for hazardous material identification. It is asked to the top squares that show a black symbol on a white background and are marked with a red border.

The previous hazards (approximately “irritant” or “corrosive”) will be replaced

by two new signal words: “Attention” at low severity or “danger” for higher severities. The icon has then on the nature of the hazard out about a risk to the eyes or a risk to the respiratory tract.

Statements like “Causes skin irritation” or safety instructions such as “Keep out of the reach of children” there will still be loud Laves but on the packages.

Items that before the beginning of June to the were identified by then applicable specifications, periods of two years may be sold for more. Therefore mixtures with the previous declaration still on the shelves by mid-2017.

From June 24 gene pollen also have the honey throughout the European Union no longer be marked as such. Pollen then are no longer considered “ingredient” in honey, but as a “natural ingredient” and must therefore also no longer be listed in the ingredient list.


The legislator prescribes a more stringent monitoring of operational safety. The adopted in January by the government amendment in force since 2002 Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) shall enter into force on 1 June.

They serve to improve the OSH in the use of work equipment by workers and the protection of third parties in the operation of systems requiring monitoring, explains the Federal Ministry of Labour.

The revised law is to small and medium enterprises, the facilitate application of occupational health and safety regulations. Duplication of rules about the Hazardous Substances Act and the new Water Protection Law of the Federation to be eliminated according to Ministry of Labour for certain documentation and testing.

Lift with inspection sticker

The new regulation wear special black spots statement explains the ministry – such as maintenance, in case of malfunctions or tampering. They also contain special provisions for age-appropriate design of workplaces and means.

violations of the BetrSichV apply in the future as offense and can be prosecuted , Material and equipment checks are given a detailed hand, the other hand should the company carry out certain checks in the future itself. It is sufficient to detect these operations electronically. A paper documentation is often no longer necessary.

Consumers will notice the new rules, for example, in elevators from June. The elevators need a future TÜV seal, similar to the inspection sticker on cars. . It shows the next test date to which must be held at least every two years from 1 June

Bad news there for fans of the paternoster: Elevators without doors likely future be used only by those who have previously received a briefing – about employees in an office building. Visitors they may on the other hand no longer enter.

Association Agreement

Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova had as part of the Eastern Partnership Association Agreement with the European Union (EU) concluded. The aim of this agreement is the EU’s support for the establishment of a functioning constitutional state and a successful market economy.

Following the conclusion of the legal proceedings by the German Bundesrat and Federal President can the individual agreements with the Federal Republic occur as scheduled in June in force.

In order for a new chapter of cooperation with these countries will pitched to peaceful development, says the Federal Government , Your it was a major concern, to promote civil society in the partner countries and to network with NGOs in the EU.

doorstep selling

The right of withdrawal for doorstep contracts concluded before 13 June 2014 ends on 27 June. Background: As of June 2014 in Germany is the EU Consumer Policy

This applies to transactions on the doorstep or distance contracts. At the latest after 12 months and 14 days expires the right of withdrawal – even if there has been no proper Conditions explains the Consumer Saxony

In the past, was in missing or incorrect Conditions for an unlimited period. Withdrawal. “The basic rule is that for existing contracts old law is applied, now takes in things revocation period when missing or incorrect instruction on June 27 to an end,” said legal expert Michael Hummel from the Consumer Advice Centre.


“Libel and defamation”: post-boss attacked Verdi before 6th round of talks – ABC Online

Sunday, 31.05.2015, 11:05
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Before starting the 6 . Round Table in the wage dispute at the post office in Berlin on Monday attacked the trade union Verdi sharp CEO Frank Appel. In early May had Verdi the Post accused superiors would intimidate strikers.

This put the employees under pressure, so that they continue to contribute to the ongoing strikes. “The employees are bullied, it is stirred up fear, so that they can gather behind the union,” the Post’s CEO who said “Welt am Sonntag”.

background the labor dispute is in addition to the dispute over working hours and salaries for around 140,000 postal employees in particular the establishment of 49 regional companies for parcel delivery. There are working according to the Post for more than 6,000 people. They are paid not according to the pay scale of the Group, but after the generally lower rate of freight forwarding and logistics industry.

“income the past promise no longer for the Future”

mood is always irritated early May had Verdi the Post accused superiors would intimidate strikers Appel said now reversed facing the union:.. “. It is working with libel and defamation” The Post-chief defended the spin-off: Competitor of the Bonn company paid much lower hourly wages. “We can use the income of the past

no longer promise for the future,” Appel said.

Meanwhile, the strikes continued against the continuation of collective talks. After Friday nationwide thousands of employees their had resigned from work and, according to post hundreds of thousands of packages as well as millions of letters should reach their recipients only later, occurred according to Verdi on Saturday around 5,000 colleagues in strike.

Only in Berlin, Brandenburg and Bavaria have given it a break. The union demanded 5.5 percent more money and a shortening of the working week by 2.5 to 36 hours with full wage compensation

Video:. Everywhere strikes in the region

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+++ +++ Greek crisis: fear of financial collapse: Greeks raise … – ABC Online

Updated on Sunday, 31.05.2015, 11:06
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Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis? Or is it already too late? In Greece, the pressure on the government is growing. . All the information in the news ticker

  • Athens running out of money – but an agreement seems in sight .
  • In the coming months, massive debt repayments are in.
  • Capture everything! By FOCUS-Online App for Android and iPhone you are always up to date

The facts:. The negotiations the Greek Government with the European donors dressed. But time is pressing. Without binding commitments under the reform blocked emergency loans amounting to 7.2 billion euros can not flow. The funds in Athens are empty, in June alone are repayments of almost 1.6 billion euros to the IMF on. The state of negotiations, there is contradictory information. Athens sees the talks close to completion. According to negotiators Tsakalotos is already negotiating the next financial package. At the German delegation of the G7 summit wants to know nothing of progress

Athens hopes that Merkel and Hollande -. Breakthrough in talks

Sunday 31 . May 11.06 Clock: The Greek government hopes that according to media reports of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and French President Francois Hollande a breakthrough in negotiations with donors. The Greece-topic might come up for discussion at the meeting of Merkel, Hollande and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Monday evening, reported the Athens radio and TV station Skai on Sunday. It is not ruled out that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will fly to the conference in Berlin.

At the meeting, the digital strategy of the European Union should be the focus. Greece is in its negotiations with the lenders under enormous time pressure. In June, the bankrupt threatened country has almost 1.6 billion euros from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to pay back.

Tsipras had advised more than eight hours with the team of the Greek negotiator on Saturday. For result there was initially no official communications. In media reports said at the meeting the draft agreement with the international lenders had been formulated.

The Premier would now submit Merkel and Hollande the Greek proposal, it said. Discussions with the Chancellor and the French President could be held by teleconference or at the edge of Berlin’s meeting

Defense Kammenos on warpath with the press

20.47 clock. The Sunday newspaper To Proto Thema is on the warpath with Defense Minister Panos Kammenos. The chairman of Tsipras coalition partner Independent Greeks is the publisher Themos Anastasiadis has long been a thorn in the side. Only revealed the newspaper that Kammenos for the restoration of a half a dozen half a century old warplanes loosely made half a billion euros, while there are only a social assistance of 200 million euros per year for the Greeks.

Now the Minister is directly accused of ostentation. During his last US trip, duped in Kammenos and has not been received contrary to the original invitation of his counterpart, the massive politicians his frustration has apparently fought with good food. Proud $ 1,408.56 per day were Kammenos in Washington from, To Proto determined topic. It had become payable only for a $ 920 meal. The difference from the $ 268 per day, which according to the State Ministerialangaben was charged beglich Kammenos with a credit card. “On whose behalf the credit card running?” The newspaper digs deeper and still got no answer

Due controversial Personnel:. Own PASOK party turns of Varoufakis from

18.53 Clock: How to report all Greek media, Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis is under increasing pressure. Reason this time is not an interview, denied the contents of the smart motorcyclist on your taste. He currently also not recorded with his mobile phone and even threatened with the release of the contents.

No, Varoufakis has shocked his own party members, or as onomatopoeic fits in Greek pun, PA SOKt. Ironically Giorgos Papandreou’s close associate and adviser Elena Panariti to the Greek government representing the IMF. Papandreou had led the country with his PASOK and with the collaboration of Panariti under the IMF bailout, the Tsipras now really want to leave. The Personnel sat the Minister against the resistance of Premier Tsipras by.

Yesterday announced the MEP Sofia Sakorafa which itself dates back to the PASOK, on ​​Twitter that you would burst the collar Personnel at these. Today, Interior Minister Nikos Voutsis and the Vice President of the EU Parliament Dimitris Papadimoulis joined. The PASOK, Paparitis OrigParty, sat for Panariti of 2009 in Parliament, congratulates Tsipras troops in a very ironic notice. Emphasizes the party that Panaritis experience with the drafting of the first austerity package is now useful for third austerity package

“Painful solution” – Government of Greece threatens to break

16.13 clock.: For 12 clock meet in Athens in the official residence of the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, a negotiating team, the core consisting of Tsipras, Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, Deputy Prime Minister Giannis Dragasakis and as a negotiator Deputy Foreign Minister Efklidis Tsakalotos.

As interior minister Voutsis over the press confirmed stand “a solution just before”. “There will be a painful compromise,” the politician said to FOCUS online information, “which can carry out the Group to new elections in case of rejection.”

already is scheduled for Sunday afternoon a conference call with Tsipras, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel planned.

In addition, learned the Greek media that all politicians and civil servants must be the negotiating group led by Tsipras, Tsakalotos, Dragasakis and Varoufakis on standby in Athens. They are thus the Orthodox Feast of Pentecost in capital spending

EU Commission Vice-Chief:. “Time for Greece is running out”

11.27 Clock: The European Commission has warned to hurry again in the difficult negotiations with the international lenders threatened the bankrupt Greece. “Time is running out,” said the vice-president of the Brussels authorities, Valdis Dombrovskis, the Greek newspaper “Kathimerini” (Saturday). “We need a comprehensive and credible package of reforms to their implementation by the Greek Government is ready.”

A withdrawal of Greece from the euro zone joined Dombrovskis from. “The only scenario with which we are concerned, is the fate of Greece in the euro,” stressed the EU Commissioner. The information sought from Athens reforms were not only in the interests of donors, but also the Greeks. “Without the reforms, the Greek economy will not recover, create jobs, and the social problems will persist.”

Greece is set to receive 7.2 billion euros as part of the end of June expiring utility. The donors pay the funds but only from when the the left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras led government committed to a series of reforms. Was

At the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of the seven leading industrialized countries (G7) in Dresden the Greek financial situation also last issue. Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) dampened while expectations of a swift agreement: “The positive news from Athens are not yet reflected fully in the conversation state with donors resist.”

Saturday, May 30, 07:10 Clock: The Syriza parliamentarian and spokesman of the party left, Stathis Leoutsakos, the EU has sharply criticized for increasing pressure on Greece. Opposite the “Bild-Zeitung” (Saturday) Leoutsakos said: “The European Union should show solidarity, has such a great history, but now the EU keeps us the gun to his head and acting like the Mafia:. Either we give them what they want or they will kill us. “

The party colleague of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras stressed Greece is a sovereign country with its own rights and belong to Europe.” The Germans always think that they paid for us would. I want to say that the Greek people have not received a single euro them happy. It was only a question of saving French and German banks. “

Greece existed before the euro and will exist afterwards. A currency should be good for the people. If that is no longer the case, we need a different solution. “Leoutsakos demanded by the EU to take the demands for further cuts back. Compared to the “image” he said, “.. Our funders require things that are outside of each frame when Germany would have to carry such reforms, then there would be a revolution,”

Greek Foreign Minister sees his country of Europe blackmailed

20.23 clock. Greece is blackmailed by the words of its foreign minister Nikos Kotzias of the European Union “What’s going on, is pressure,” Kotzias said on Friday evening at the Philosophy Festival Phil.Cologne . in Köln The country will continually told that it must fulfill the conditions of the EU, along the lines of: “. If you do not sign now, then you’re dead”

So can the Greek economy impossible again the legs come. “The natural reaction is that people withdraw their money from the bank.” He expressed hope that at the end a compromise comes about.

To the objection, also go the new Greek government is not against tax evaders and oligarchs ago, said the professor of political theory, this would be quite trying. But: “We have great legal difficulties, to proceed against these people.”

The Minister also denied that his government continues to carry clientele-politics and nepotism. Certainly it is true that relatives had been taken by ministers and

heads of government in high positions. But this was decisive alone their expertise.

Kotzias – fluently speaks German and is married to a German – was convinced that Greece will continue to remain in the EU. “How can a European Union without Greece?” He asked. The very name Europe finally come from Greek mythology.

Greeks raise billions from their accounts from

16.03 Clock: The Greeks raise due to the uncertain financial position further large amounts of money from their bank accounts from. How the Athenians Central Bank announced on Friday, the deposits of households and enterprises were in Greek financial institutions alone in April this year to 4.9 billion to € 133.6 billion euros. In order for the private bank deposits fell to its lowest level in more than a decade. Since November 2014 according to the statistics of the Central Bank have been lifted over 30 billion euros.

The trend is likely to have continued in May. Meanwhile, the value was below 130 billion euros, the newspaper reported, “Kathimerini” in its online edition. Much of the sums raised were not transferred according to experts abroad, but is kept as cash in the apartments. Most Greeks do not have accounts abroad

Varoufakis speaks again of the near agreement

11.50 clock. Finance Yanis Varoufakis is confident. He sees an agreement in the immediate future, however, speaks of an end date, the 30.6. It is rumored that the payable to the IMF rates from 12.6. be moved to the end of the month. For the 5.6. installment due the funds of municipalities and regions were confiscated by the government. A shift of the installments there were the IMF ever, Zambia

Meanwhile, met the crisis committee under Tsipras already the night -. And does it still seem says FOCUS Online correspondent Wassilis Aswestopoulos. None of the ten parliamentary inquiries that were scheduled for this Friday, has been answered. Ministers were the plenary remained completely remote. An affront – if you believe the announcements, which gave Syriza in January at the throne as a promise to the people. Because at that time it was said that you would honor Parliament and never questions, just as it did, with a reference to important dates just the Samaras government leave unanswered. However, most of the questions concerned the right hand Tsipras, the puppet master Nikos Pappas. The Minister of the Prime Minister apologized for overload caused by the negotiations with the lenders

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Pfullendorf / kitchen manufacturer Alno Brilon sold pulse kitchens – Südwestpresse

The ailing kitchen manufacturer Alno separates from the production site in Brilon North Rhine-Westphalia. As of June 30 go the resident pulse kitchens GmbH to the Austrian Steinhoff Furniture Holding GmbH, Alno AG announced headquarters in Pfullendorf

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on Saturday night. The Federal Cartel Office must still approve. About the price confidential had been agreed, it said. A spokesman Alno was for inquiries on Sunday initially unavailable.

In Brilon 227 employees were last employed. Pulse brand is loud Alno Annual Report priced “in the lower-middle segment”. The production was adapted in 2014 “to the increased product range and quality requirements of the market” – investments included. Supply and service contracts ensure, according to Alno by the end of this year, the transfer of operations.

The kitchen manufacturer is struggling since the IPO in 1995 with problems. With few exceptions, the group has every year since the bottom line is retracted losses. The acquisition of AFP kitchens Alno AG had 2014 allows a good operating result. But in the first quarter 2015, the loss before interest and taxes was 10.2 million euros. Positive special effects give it this year not.


Post CEO attacked Verdi before 6. contract talks – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



Berlin / Bonn (AP) – Before the start of the 6th round of talks in the wage dispute at the post office on Monday in Berlin CEO Frank Appel has attacked the union Verdi sharp                          

This put the staff under pressure so that they continue to contribute to the ongoing strikes. “The employees are bullied, it is stirred up fear, so they gather behind the union,” the Post’s CEO who said “Welt am Sonntag”.


background the labor dispute is in addition to the dispute over working hours and salaries for about 140,000 postal employees in particular the establishment of 49 regional companies for parcel delivery. There are working according to the Post for more than 6,000 people. They are paid not according to the pay scale of the Group, but after the generally lower rate of freight forwarding and logistics industry.


The atmosphere is always irritated. In early May had Verdi the Post accused superiors would intimidate strikers. Appel said now reversed facing the union: “It works with defamation and defamation.” The Post-chief defended the spin-off: the competitors Bonner company paid much lower hourly wages. “We can no longer promise for the future income of the past,” Appel said.


Meanwhile, the strikes went before the continuation of the tariff talks continue. After nationwide several thousand employees had resigned from their work on Friday and according to post hundreds of thousands and millions of packages Letters should reach their recipients only later, occurred on Saturday, according to Verdi 5,000 colleagues in strike.


Only in Berlin, Brandenburg and Bavaria there was a break. The union demanded 5.5 percent more money and a shortening of the working week by 2.5 to 36 hours without loss of pay.

labor dispute Post and Verdi expect tough bargaining

The German Post and the trade union Verdi do not expect a rapid breakthrough in their accompanied by massive strikes labor dispute. In this it comes to money, working hours, and the outsourcing of jobs in new companies within the postal More

20/05/2015, 17.: 17 clock | Economy

Railway and EVG agree The second railway strike fails

The railway and the railway union ECG have settled their labor dispute after nearly a year of struggle. Now it depends on the arbitration with the GDL. The EDC has let his own words give a special right of termination More

05.27.2015, 12:27 clock . | Economy



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Post-chief attacked Verdi before 6th round of negotiations

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Post CEO attacked Verdi before 6. contract talks – continue warning strikes – THE WORLD

Berlin – Before the start of the 6th round of talks in the wage dispute at the post office tomorrow in Berlin CEO Frank Appel has attacked the union Verdi sharp. This put the staff under pressure so that they continue to contribute to the ongoing strikes. “The employees are bullied, it is stirred up fear, so they gather behind the union,” the Post’s CEO who said “Welt am Sonntag”. The mood is always irritated. In early May had Verdi the Post accused superiors would intimidate strikers.

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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Post CEO Appel rises in wage dispute serious allegations against Verdi – Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Berlin / Bonn (APA / Reuters) – In the wage dispute with the trade union Verdi German post exacerbated boss Frank Appel sound. “The employees are bullied, it is stirred up fear, so that they can gather behind the union,” Appel said the “Welt am Sonntag”, according to a preliminary report. Those who do not participate in the strikes, would booed thoroughly.

Verdi had last increased the pressure again before the potentially decisive round in the wage dispute. Thousands of workers laid off the job again. Both sides want to continue their talks on Monday and Tuesday in Berlin in the sixth round then. The union wants to impose 5.5 percent wage increase as well as a shortening of the working week to 36 from 38.5 hours at full pay for the 140,000 public employees of the group.

Appel added that delivery companies newly founded would not reinstated: “This is far removed from reality.” 6,000 people have already been established. The competitors of the Bonn Dax Group paid significantly lower hourly wages, on the German Post had to react

~ ISIN DE0005552004 WEB ~ APA132 2015-05-30 / 12:. 52


Even after the G-7 meeting remains uncertainty: anxiety in Greece, Hope … – Tagesspiegel

10:17 clock

Greece and its funders runs in the fight against the threat of national bankruptcy of time. Until June 5, Greece will have to pay 300 million to the IMF.

Greece is under pressure. Despite hectic crisis diplomacy at top level for a week no agreement on further funding became apparent before the next payday for Athens. The current utility runs at 30 June from.

“The positive news from Athens are not yet reflected fully in the conversation state of government in Athens with donors resist,” German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) said on Friday in Dresden after consultations the finance ministers and central bank governors of the seven leading industrialized countries (G7). The Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said in an interview with radio station Vima FM that his country had achieved with donors further rapprochement. He expected that both sides would soon agree on a “comprehensive and good agreements”.

Debt in billions

The threat of bankruptcy country desperately needs fresh money the international donors. Greece has more than 300 million euros to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to repay to 5 June. A total of more than 1.55 billion euros from the IMF are due in June. Reports on a set of funders deadline

for reaching an agreement by June 4, have not been confirmed. Not excluded, however, that donors provide the ultimate offering for a compromise package in view of the slow progress Athens.

Greece was in Dresden officially not an issue of discussion. But to the two-day financial summit also ECB President Mario Draghi, the euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem and EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici had traveled next IMF chief Christine Lagarde. So the chiefs of all donors were represented, the negotiations with Athens

hope for Ukraine

hope of support may be after the summit, however, make another crisis state -. Ukraine. “We are determined to do everything possible to support them in their ambitious reform agenda, the Ukrainian government,” Schaeuble said after the summit. In particular, the ongoing negotiations in the country with creditors on debt restructuring would have to be taken forward. The G-7 countries had agreed among other things, with the International Monetary Fund in March an aid program worth around $ 40 billion. (AP / RTR)


Expensive labor disputes: million cost by the strikes: Railway warns red … – ABC Online

Saturday, 05.30.2015, 15:07
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It is not a good year for German Rail: Even after the continuous labor dispute has with GDL and ECG to an end, there is more bad news. Whether the web can still save in the black, is uncertain.

  • Damage due to strikes is higher than annual profits
  • train has 17 billion euros of debt
  • Group urgently needs reforms

as a result of nine waves of strikes by train drivers union GDL has the German Railways (DB) in 2015 are afraid to slip into the red. “The strike by train drivers’ union GDL have previously cost us already since last autumn more than 300 million euros,” said railway CFO Richard Lutz of “world”.

In other words, the damage caused by the labor dispute with the train drivers’ union is already larger than the net profit last year. “With regard to profit, this year is a real challenge for us,” Lutz.

17 billion euros of debt

The railway had in March for the past year said earnings before taxes announced and interest (EBIT) of 2.1 billion euros. Of this you have to deduct EUR 800 million for interest payments. The Group’s debt of around 17 billion euros. In addition, 200 million euros income taxes and € 700 million dividend to the federal government have to be paid. There are also other loads. “At the end of stay in 2014, when we deduct all costs and expenses, EUR 288 million at the box office,” reckoned Lutz before.

In order to prevent the group from sliding into the red, would Bahn CEO Rüdiger Grube reduce costs, increase revenues and lead to huge transport more efficient. Among other things, would have to go as far in the second half a lot more trains with more passengers. However, a significant increase is unlikely

In Video:. This happens when pedestrians at the station meet Claus Weselsky

Pull strike ” like

a train behind us “

” After such a series of strikes, the people do not rise just as before in the trains. The people organize themselves differently, go back by car or bike, carpool. Much of it will be held until the first snow comes.

We like pulling a train behind us, “said a railway manager. The collective agreement with the rail union ECG and a possible conclusion to the GDL on the other hand will continue to drive up costs.

This threatens not only a loss year, but significant delay in the ambitions of the train. The Board intends to invest in the coming years on a large scale, so that the Group can grow strongly in the passenger and goods transport around the world.

train needs more investment

The last 288 million euros, the the results remain after deducting all costs and burdens at the box office, “are not sufficient to fund annually planned by us growth investments of around one billion euros,” said Chief Financial Officer Lutz.

Actually should the investment over sharp rise in revenue to finance. But the board is at least for the time being only to make new debt – not a satisfactory condition for the DB executive. “From 2017 we will be investing on their own, so they can lift out of cash flow. At least that is our aim. In the long run no one can finance investments through debt, “says Chief Financial Officer Lutz

In the video. So respond passersby when Claus Weselsky is at the station cozies

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Dusseldorf: What is on Monday changes for tenants – RP ONLINE

Dusseldorf. On June 1 important rules come into force in favor of tenants: The rental price brake and rules for broker commission. NRW will dampen rents along the Rhine. Show Exclusive figures how much prices rise. By Reinhard Kovalevsky and Thomas Reisener

Should the Federal Government their promise. In its coalition agreement the CDU and SPD announced in 2013 easier for the nearly 36 million tenants in Germany – Monday will the new regulations in force

The “buyer” principle does away with the hated broker commission, the tenant will have to pay almost inevitably in metropolitan areas to get to attractive apartments. In future must pay the broker, who commissioned him – usually so well the landlord. Furthermore, to prevent “the rental Brake” that only the wealthy can afford good neighborhood: If an apartment free, the landlord may require the new tenant at most ten percent more than the customary rent that holds any city in the so-called rent index. “This will lead to a strong cap on new rentals,” says Thomas Abraham, market expert at the Research Institute Empirica, “because the offer price of many rental apartments are significantly higher than the rent index in prestigious cities.”

Example Dusseldorf: The square meter in homes built between 1961-1976, according to cost rent index 5.95 Euro to 7.75 Euro in the middle range. But for new leases total calls, according to a calculation of the Institute Empirica for our newspaper every other landlord at least 9.09 euros per square meter, sometimes even more.

But it will take until the “Rent brake” act now is , Because “authorized” the new federal law, the only countries to their implementation. For this they need to define areas where the new Mietdämpfer should apply itself. In any case, does not apply the “Rent brake” for new buildings.

So far Berlin is the only country where the rental rate brake engages at the earliest on 1 June. According to the Ministry apartment it is introduced in NRW earliest to July 1, 2015. And “in the communities in which a tense housing market exists,” said a ministry spokesman. A corresponding report is NRW-Minister of Housing Michael Groschek (SPD) before he considers it, however, still a secret. Only should decide the Cabinet in June. When asked where the introduction of the rent brake is most likely, the spokesman said: “In the well-known metropolitan areas, for example on the

Rhine”. Groschek in particular the rent levels in Dusseldorf publicly criticized in the past. In many districts of Cologne, Bonn and Münster the situation

is considered tense. Even when “ordering principle” there are hooks. It’s an idea from NRW: 2012 demanded Groschek in this newspaper: “Who ordered the broker who also paid him. That’s a fair principle” through the Bundesrat exercised NRW print in Berlin and sat down by – the “buyer principle” becomes law. Nevertheless, tenants associations warn of pitfalls. What will change?

brokers may continue to request up to two net rents plus VAT. Theoretically could broker their money always also the owner charged – but that was possible at best in bad-to-place apartments. Future have to pay the broker, who instructed him. Quite possible that the landlord prefer to take the business therefore again in the future into their own hands. The protest of two brokers who therefore saw their existence in danger, the Federal Constitutional Court dismissed this week.

tenants protectors warn that landlords could the brokerage costs retrieve now over rent increases again. The market will tell if this experiment works. Landlords who renounce this trick, have a competitive advantage. The second option is to high transfer fees for furniture or other furnishings. Should this usurious prices are charged, the tenant can retrieve the money by commencing an action. Prices that exceed the value by half are considered vulnerable

Reported was already of the following stitch:. Agents submit a commission-free apartment, which is then already taken and provide interested parties an alternative to. So might still an accommodation request load of the tenant caused. However, most brokers just invent their profession again. According to a survey of the portal “Real world” want to retire now about 15 percent of brokers from the rental business. A third wants to specialize in rich clients, which the commission is indifferent

Source: RP

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Researchers skeptical: German labor market is losing momentum – N24

It was a promising start to the year, but now loses the job market momentum. According to economists, this trend will continue in the coming month well.

After growing skepticism in labor market researchers now go even economists of major German banks only by a low dynamic on the German labor market , Although they expected this year to continue with falling unemployment, but no longer with the pace as the beginning of the year, they reported in a survey by the German Press Agency. Last week the Nuremberg Institute for Employment Research (IAB) had forecast a stagnation for the coming months.

For the economists of May of a decline in unemployment by around 80,000 to 2.763 million from. This would be about 120,000 fewer than a year ago, the experts reported, citing its own calculations. Similarly strong the May unemployment had fallen on average over the past three year. The official unemployment figures will announce the Federal Employment Agency (BA) this Tuesday (June 2nd) in Nuremberg.

“We still expect that the unemployment decreased slightly, but less as at the beginning, “says the German Bank economist

Heiko Peters. In addition to the somewhat weaker economy in the first quarter this probably also play a role of mild winters. “As a result, the labor market development was oversubscribed positive at the beginning,” says the economist. After deducting seasonal factors, the number of unemployed would have fallen by only 5,000 in May.

Meanwhile crystallize after observations of economists gradually the impact of the new minimum wage regulations out. According to Allianz economist Rolf Schneider is distinguished now from clear that the minimum wage has led to the elimination of marginal employment, particularly in eastern Germany especially. It as not only the mini-job statistics out, but also for some months stagnant seasonally adjusted number of employed persons. “We have had no employment growth in the last three months.”


Rewe and Penny call apple dessert and chocolate back – SPIEGEL ONLINE

A Saarbrücken manufacturer has all batches of a recalled at Rewe Sold apple desserts. In the dessert glass fragments may be located. If it were the product sold in the supermarket chain “ Feine Welt apple composition dairy dessert ” reported that operated by the federal and state Internet portal

Consumers should return the product in the market. Affected were only desserts with the before date June 3 and the EAN code 4,388,844,164,390th The goods have already been taken in the shops from the sale.

Even when the Rewe group belonging discounter Penny is a callback been launched: Fearing possible plastic particles customer specific chocolate tablets should return.

likely to be

affected the variety “ Choco’la whole nut chocolate 100g ” with the before date 18/01/2016 (EAN Code: 23755536), divided Penny in Cologne. From consumption will “strongly discouraged”.

Other expiration dates or EAN codes are not affected. Affected products were taken in the markets supplied from the sale. Even Penny offers customers to take back the chocolate and to reimburse the price.
