Saturday, February 11, 2017

Investigation Committee doubts Piëchs education’s sake – Handelsblatt

Ferdinand Piech

to have The investigative Committee accuses the former VW Supervisory Board chief, no interest in the elucidation of the exhaust-affair.

(photo: Reuters)

Berlinthe Chairman of The exhaust investigation Committee has accused Ex-VW Supervisory Board chief Ferdinand Piëch, a lack of willingness to investigate the Diesel-scandal at Volkswagen. Piëch had previously, through his lawyer explaining that he would not testify before the investigation Committee of the Bundestag. “If he had nothing to hide had, he would have had to come,” said the Committee Chairman, Herbert Behrens (Left) the Newspapers of the Funke media group (Saturday). It Piëch does not go well on a reconnaissance of the scandal, he appears to have other motives. “The Boss of bosses pinches in front of the German Parliament”, – said the politician.

in the light of new allegations in the exhaust gas, scandal, wanted to subpoena the Left and the Green of the former VW Supervisory Board Chairman in the investigative Committee as a witness. He would not respond to the “offer of a public hearing before a Committee of inquiry of the German Bundestag”, Piëch on Friday evening via his lawyer Gerhard Strate. As an Austrian, the 79-Year-old is not required to testify.

VW Patriarch: Piëchs last stand

PremiumVolkswagen without Ferdinand Piëch has long been regarded as unthinkable. Today, the former Doyen of the Auto-world is for many just a burden. Even in the family he finds little support. What drives him? more…

The Green politician Oliver Krischer said, Piëch was ready to make its contribution to the clarification of the exhaust gas scandal. “This reaffirms the moral

paintings of some of the persons in charge of the group, the more interested in themselves than the Welfare of the largest German car manufacturer,” said Krischer as Chairman of the Committee of inquiry in Berlin on Saturday. That until today no one stand up to its responsibilities and clean make, falls for a former flagship company in the crisis.

Piëch is said to have collected, according to media lawyers, and a VW dedicated firm of accusations against a number of the VW Supervisory Board and Ex-CEO Martin winter reports in surveys by the state grain. You should already have earlier than so far known from Point to exhaust-manipulations in the United States. The Manager and the supervisors deny it. In the word according to the corresponding statement protocols Piëchs are not documented yet to the public.

Ex-VW Supervisory Board chief: Piëch does not want to in front of the U-Committee of the Bundestag statements

Ex-VW Supervisory Board chief Ferdinand Piëch does not want to in front of the investigation Committee of the Bundestag to the VW-scandal statements. According to new allegations in the exhaust gas affair, it wanted to subpoena the Left and the Green as a witness. more…

The 79-Year-old left now to tell that he had made in April 2016, compared to the VW representative law firm Jones Day’s statements and repeated to the public Prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig in December. To the content, he said. “Prof. Dr. Piëch remember to comment on what is peddled as alleged contents of the interviews, in turn, to the public,” it said in the Declaration of his attorney.
