Google to obtain a new corporate structure. As a holding company, a new company will set up with the name Alphabet, informed the head of the Internet company, Larry Page, on Monday.
Alphabet will a collection of companies , of which Google is the largest is, and will Google detach as a listed company.
The holding company absorbed the main business of Google, including search, maps and YouTube, as well as individual sectors such as fiber, the nest and the investment arm Google Ventures.
Also the holding includes the healthcare company Calico with the research and investment sector such as Google Ventures, Google Capital and Google X.
“Our company runs well today but we think we can make it cleaner and more responsible, “explained Page restructuring. Under the umbrella of alphabet could divisions of Google, “not really related to,” be better performed independently.
“In Alphabet it comes to business, the flourish by strong leaders and independence, “the report said. Google is currently pursuing such diverse projects as drones for delivery or smart contact lenses for diabetics.
He’ll lead Alphabet as CEO, announced Page. Sergey Brin become president of the company. Top manager Sundar Pichai takes the lead at Google. The Google CFO Ruth Porat will work with alphabet in the same position.
With the restructuring appears to be the Group is responding to fears that the Internet giant Google could exceed its Zenith have. After an all-time high in early 2014, Google’s stock significantly depreciated.
On the stock market, the step was well received. The Google shares gained after trading to five percent. All Google shares to be automatically converted into alphabet shares.
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