HSH Nordbank must pay a fine of 22 million euros according to a report due to tax evasion. Thereupon the public prosecutor’s office and Cologne and the financial institution had agreed, reported the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung”, citing joint research with the NDR and WDR. The former Luxembourg branch of the Bank have rich customers in Germany for years letterbox companies from Panama conveys to hide their assets from the tax authorities. Against these customers now running control method.
The board of Northern Bank, which is one of around 85 percent the federal states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, wants the Supervisory Board according to the report at its next meeting on 27 . August, the deal with the state qualifying information. The penalty notice is not lying before. At the request of “SZ” explained the Nordbank, they stand “for months on this matter in a trusting dialogue with the Cologne public prosecutor”.
The Hypo- Vereinsbank had by “SZ” information the first major financial institution in Germany made a clean sweep in connection with the investigation of the Cologne public prosecutor’s office and accepted a fine of almost 20 million euros. The investigation into the branch of Commerzbank in Luxembourg were still underway. According to the report at least three other banks are in the sights of investigators. HSH Nordbank contacted therefore half a year ago the prosecution and admitted to have also supplied via Luxembourg customers with letterbox companies.
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