Greece its creditors have agreed to a third rescue package. On Wednesday, the Bundestag will vote on it. The IMF calls for further debt relief for Athens. The Greeks thriller Ticker.
- Third rescue package on the way.
- Bundestag voted on Wednesday.
- IMF remains open whether he granted more loans.
The facts: The finance ministers of the euro group have paved the way for the third-Greece aid program on Friday evening. You accept in Brussels previously negotiated by expert conditions for planned loans of up to 86 billion euros. On Wednesday, the Bundestag voted on the aids. An agreement was considered safe. However, more Union deputies refused ever Merkel allegiance.
Unions resistance greater than ever
Thursday, August 20, 2015 against Athens-aids, 07:29 Clock: The Bundestag is followed by a large majority of euro-crisis policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel. In the vote on the third aid package for Greece it but more Union deputies have ever refused to follow.
63 MPs from the governing parties CDU and CSU voted against, 3 abstained, a further 17 did not appear only. of Germany, however, was in agreement with the third Greek bailout never in danger. At the end of 453 MPs were in favor, 113 against and 18 abstained
Euro finance ministers enter first 26-billion loan installment for Athens Free
19.48 clock. The euro zone finance ministers have approved the Credit first installment of 26 billion euros from the new rescue package for Greece. The reported EU diplomats in Brussels on Wednesday after a telephone meeting of department heads. EU Commission Vice Chief Valdis Dombrovskis informed on the short message service Twitter, the support for Greece had been decided by the euro zone.
Half the money, ie EUR 13 billion, flows to the information previously submitted directly to Athens. 10 billion are thus reserved for the bank resolution and transferred to a special account. EUR 3 billion aid to flow only in the fall. Earlier, the German Bundestag and the Dutch parliament had approved the third aid package for Greece with loans up to 86 billion euros. Greece has until this Thursday just under 3.4 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB) to repay
Video:. So chaotic derailed the fate of vote in the Greek Parliament
19.03 Clock: A majority of the Dutch parliament has pledged consent to the new rescue package for Greece. Both the parties of the coalition of right-wing liberals and social democrats and the left-liberal opposition party D66 declared on Wednesday during a special debate in parliament in The Hague their consent to the billions-aids. The other opposition parties, including, surprisingly, also the Christian Democrats, refused to support.
Formal Parliament must not approve the bailout and the government has only an information requirement. However, the right-wing populist Geert Wilders had requested a plenary debate and announced a vote of no confidence against the coalition government. Whether the Parliament should not vote, was initially unclear
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