Saturday, August 22, 2015

Volvo has Apple and Google as potential competitors in the eye – Salzburger Nachrichten

World | Economy

 The automaker wants Google and Apple not underestimate image: SN / APA (EPA) / JASON SZENES Volvo CEO. Hakan Samuelsson is before Apple and Google as a new competitor for automakers on guard. “I think we should not underestimate that,” he said in an interview with the financial news agency …>

World | Economy

Volvo makes competition from picture:. SN / EPA Volvo CEO Håkan Samuelsson is before Apple and Google as a new competitor for automakers on guard. !>

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World | Economy

The heavily indebted US territory Puerto Rico strives before the Supreme Court in the United States about the possibility of sending its state-owned enterprises in an orderly insolvency proceedings to. The point is …>

World | Economy

debt relief Greece, there are, according to a media report in Brussels replace considerations, comparatively expensive loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ahead of schedule. But money could of …>

World | Economy

& quot;) {? this.parentNode.href = this.parentNode.href + & quot; click = pic & quot;} " src="" width=" 176 "> The low-cost airline Ryanair has suffered a legal defeat in the dispute over compensation for delayed flights. A court in Manchester was on Friday that customers up to six years time …>

World | Economy

 Novartis is building Multiple Sclerosis business from picture:. SN / APA (Archive / EPA) / MARTIN RUETSCHI The pharmaceutical company Novartis is building a billion-acquisition of his Multiple Sclerosis business. The Swiss company takes over from British rival GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to under development …>

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World | Economy

 Nowotny for IMF involvement in aid package Picture: SN / APA (Archive) /. HERBERT NEUBAUER National Bank Governor Ewald Nowotny, sees in Greece” an almost dramatic learning process with regard to the Greek government, so I guess but that honest efforts are “here, the austerity package …>


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