When seemingly endless construction of the capital airport BER are again restlessness: For payments to former managers have been very generous , It’s about millions of dollars – the suspicion of fraud is in the room.
Around the construction of the capital airport BER, there are new unrest because of a suspicion of fraud. It’s about million-payments to contractors during the period until May 2012, before the cancellation of the scheduled opening time. Currently, the airport company FBB made intensive efforts, the consequences of the insolvency of Imtech, one of the main construction companies at BER frameworks. Meanwhile, it has become known that the FBB searched the knowledge of problems of the company long before the discovery of the Imtech-bankruptcy alternatives. At the construction site in Schönefeld the staff of Imtech and its contracted operations apparently continued at their trades, as the preliminary insolvency administrator Peter-Alexander Borchardt had announced.
The latest suspected fraud concerned a report by the Image on Sunday According to the Anti-Corruption Commissioner already Flughafengesellschaft. You have evidence, which would have executives of BER against three major contractors conspicuously generous demonstrated and instructed the payment of overstated invoices. It was therefore to orders from the period to mid 2012. According to the newspaper it comes to subsequent
The FBB was no information about internals, said an airport spokesman on the report. He said only that the FBB had not yet received final invoices for the services of the relevant companies. The FBB has already “decided all made since project start upfront and deferred consideration to undergo in view of the position of the final accounts of a repeated, holistic examination so that overpayments can be ruled out”.
of dealing with provisional consequences Imtech insolvency will inform this Monday the Project Committee of the airport supervisory board FBB CEO Karsten Mühlenfeld. It is still unclear whether the BER can be opened as planned in autumn 2017. From a Mail mill field to the Supervisory Board shows that the Imtech-insolvency FBB not hit unprepared. “The FBB has already started months ago about seven frames tenders for electrical engineering services at BER” Mühlenfeld wrote. “We are fully operational.”

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