Saturday, August 15, 2015

Apple: Planned Electric Car: Apple has test track in the eye – ABC Online

Saturday, 15.08.2015, 12:55
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really comes soon the Apple -Auto? Now fire up the new information for months smoldering rumors: Supposedly Apple already has a test site in the eye. A major German carmaker could also sit in the same boat …

It is serious: The technology giant Apple has gone to look for a test track for its planned, self-propelled electric car , As, inter alia, the British newspaper “The Guardian” reported, Apple wants to push his secret project “Titan” on and has reportedly chosen for an object in California. On the GoMentum Station in California soon to the first rides are carried out. The 850-hectare former Navy base has been rebuilt as a test site.

Now, a front company Sixtyeight Research, founded specially for the secret project wants to examine the area in detail and then completely take over. Even for a German company, this project could mean a giant leap forward: Supposedly Apple has shown interest on the chassis of the German car maker BMW, which already have a

pure electric car on the market with the i3. Possibly the first Apple prototypes could be made on the basis of the Munich electric runabout.

was the last major coup by Apple in the spring of the introduction of the Apple-Watch. Shown here on Clipfish an article on the Tech-clock

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