Monday, August 17, 2015

Greece: Why a haircut is right now – SPIEGEL ONLINE

The next haircut. The first € 100 billion debt restructuring have helped much.
 Sets the debts of the Greeks to 0, and in a few years you’re right back where we are now.
 Greece now lives [...]

The next haircut. The first € 100 billion debt restructuring have helped much.
 Sets the debts of the Greeks to 0, and in a few years you’re right back where we are now.
 Greece now lives sometimes completely beyond its means and as soon as just a bissel air is financially available, Mega Gifts are distributed again.
 And why not, as we know now, is after the haircut before haircut.

beautiful, at least one of the commentators on spon does not think in the simple victory or defeat-categories who want to make us believe Schäuble have – optionally – lost or Europe enslaved, the chancellor was at the end of [...]

beautiful, at least one of the commentators on spon does not think in the simple victory or defeat-categories that would have us believe, Schäuble have – optionally – lost or enslaved Europe, was the chancellor at the end or the despot of Europe.
 might need some people always something simple, definitive one to gain position, but the ticking world differently, it rotates more slowly.

Merkel is 63 years old in 2017, in 2021 it is 67, 2025 …. 71, 2029 …. 75, 2033 …. 79, 2037 …. 83 and 2041 then the age of 87 , Another 1 year younger than Adenauer, he reigned as chancellor until his 88th [...]

Merkel is 63 years old in 2017, in 2021 it is 67, 2025 …. 71 2029th … 75, 2033 …. 79, 2037 …. 83 and 2041 then the age of 87. Another 1 year younger than Adenauer, he reigned as chancellor until his 88th year.
 Mrs Merkel wants this record determined even crack and will not enter back in 2043.

 The banks?
 The Club Med?
 The IMF?
 The export industry?
 Or may or may Berlin alone decide when it pays what to whom as?
 This monetary union requires a basic and [...]

 The banks?

Club Med?
 The IMF?
 The export industry?
 Or may or may Berlin alone decide when it pays what to whom as?
 This monetary union requires a fundamental and comprehensive reform.
 The principal, interest and maturity dilations for Greece (as already in Ireland) are enormous and record-breaking. A first haircut did not bring anything, today’s debt to GDP ratio compared to the Greek GDP is higher than previously.
 The Greek banks to be recapitalized through detours via ESM, the exact volume are still unclear, but are likely to rise even certainly enormous. Capital flight, -verkehrskontrollen in G, all borrowed loans of Greek banks are served in full and on time? What is the write-downs? What is their holdings of Greek government bonds?
 Privatizations modeled after the THA, the success is questionable, more cosmetic. Dismantling of public services, rather wishful thinking. Tax increases, budget cuts, more austerity, so one wants to redevelop the budget and conjure up the boom brought about.
 Greece remains a permanent construction site, a transfer and grant candidate, the debt cuts and bailout funds needed. This white Berlin, Brussels, the ECB and the IMF.
 Berlin shuns the open confrontation with Brussels. Until now it was always after, EFSF, ESM, banking union, EFSI, SMP, OMT and ABS-purchasing program of the ECB, Germany is sinking ever deeper in the euro debt quagmire. Time for a rethink, even among citizens in D, time for a new beginning in terms of euros. When the groKo switches?

Insert the debt. Calculations have yet been shown that caused by the euro crisis low interest rates, the liability of Germany to Greece aid already exceed. One would have only [...]

Insert the debt. Calculations have yet been shown that caused by the euro crisis low interest rates, the liability of Germany to Greece aid already exceed. One would only place to report a portion of these interest savings, as household savings, as a risk-reserve or contribution to debt reduction.


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