Thursday, August 13, 2015

Construction: Imtech’s parent company is insolvent – ABC Online

Thursday , 08.13.2015, 20:01
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The insolvency of the building company Imtech makes this country on the affected sites for unrest. And in Cologne for tangible confusion. The Dutch parent company is now bankrupt.

After building supplier Imtech Germany also its Dutch parent company Royal Imtech is insolvent. The have found the competent court in Rotterdam, the company said.

The German Imtech subsidiary, which is instrumental in the construction of the new Berlin airport, had filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday. You will however continue its work, such as in the renovation of the Opera and the Schauspielhaus in Cologne.

The company disagreed with reports that the work had come to a standstill. At the same time Imtech admitted but one that is going ahead only slowly at the site and that there had been misunderstandings. So is Imtech employees from entering the site was denied.

The provisional insolvency administrator of Imtech Germany, Peter-Alexander Borchardt, stressed that the bankruptcy of the parent company have “no significant impact” on the insolvency proceedings. Imtech Germany is involved in 960 building sites and will continue to perform all work. A spokesman for the capital airport BER said. “. For us, this is not a new subject” It maintain that a group of experts within 14 days to develop alternative solutions for Imtech works

Imtech announced that the management of the company and the Municipal Property Management in Cologne would

agreed to allow the smooth running of the work. The city denied such an agreement. Rather, the legal representative of Cologne had the company Imtech invited to meet their obligations. It will still take until early next week to bring the site organization back on track.

The parent company is now shattered. Immediately after the decision had two subsidiaries – Imtech

Marine and Imtech Nordic – have been sold, shared with the trustee appointed by the court and Jeroen Peters Paul Princen. “This transaction ensures the continued employment of 7300 Imtech employees, including 1,300 in the Netherlands,” it says in the statement. Overall Imtech had 22,000 employees worldwide. For other Imtech subsidiaries such as Spain, Belgium, Great Britain and Ireland takeover talks were underway.

Imtech Germany Borchardt-liquidator announced in a press release more staff meetings at. The insolvency benefit will be paid on time. “The willingness to fight for the preservation of the company is enormous,” Borchardt said.


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