Sunday, August 23, 2015

Integration in businesses: crafts wants to attract young refugees as apprentices – ABC Online

Sunday, 08.23.2015, 10:17
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The President the Central Association of the German Trade has asked to bring more young refugees in a lesson. The German craft need to be able to meet the demand for skilled workers in the future may, a qualified immigration.

The President of the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH), Hanspeter wool zeal , has called for in the “Saarbrücker Zeitung”, to bring more young refugees in a lesson. The language teaching must start earlier, and the exchange should be better organized and funded, wool zeal said noting that the industry annually around 20,000 trainees missing.

“The businesses that invest in these young people who need more security”

The recent decision that this group of people could apply for a continuation of toleration annually, is not sufficient. “A training lasts three years and not three times year,” Woll said zeal. “The businesses that invest in these young people who need more security.” In addition, it should be possible to continue to employ the young fellows after training at least two years as a skilled worker. Especially the young people who come

from war zones, are very ambitious, the ZDH-president said.

“Many bring a high level of education or craft education with. We can integrate well in the farms.” The German craft need to be able to meet the demand for skilled workers in the future may, a qualified immigration. “This includes for me the people we have to qualify,” said wool zeal. “The only requirement is that they are motivated and capable of continuing.”

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