Greece its creditors have agreed to a third rescue package. On Wednesday, the Bundestag will vote on it. The IMF calls for further debt relief for Athens. The Greeks thriller Ticker.
- Third rescue package on the way.
- Bundestag shall vote on Wednesday.
- IMF remains open whether he granted more loans.
The facts: The finance ministers of the euro group have paved the way for the third-Greece aid program on Friday evening. You accept in Brussels previously negotiated by expert conditions for planned loans of up to 86 billion euros. These include savings and reforms in Greece at different levels, such as the privatization of state assets. On Wednesday, the Bundestag votes on the aids. An agreement is considered safe. It will be exciting but, like voices many Unions deputy contrast
CDU politician brings investigative committee to Euro this week
09.47 clock. outrage over the Greek bailout policy has brought a parliamentary committee this week the CDU middle class politicians Christian von Stetten. “Such a committee of inquiry would have to check then whether the aid with the European treaties were indeed compatible”, the Christian Democrat said on Monday in the RBB Info Radio.
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Although Stetten demanded not even such a committee; but he thought it possible, “should another party to move into the next legislative period in the Bundestag,” he said. Then Stetten played obviously on a euro-critical party.
He will vote on Wednesday during the vote in the Bundestag on new aid for Greece in contradiction to the Union leadership in the negative, Stetten announced. “The yes-men will have to answer questions in the future,” he added. “We should stick to the rules that we have taken, and therefore there can not be any agreement.”
Treasury: Limited scope for Athens loan maturities
Monday 17 August, 07.26 Clock: The Federal Ministry of Finance has steamed to extensive debt relief for Greece expectations. “At most, about in the maturities or the amount of interest there is still a limited room for improvement,” said the Parliamentary Secretary of the Treasury, Jens Spahn (CDU), the German Press Agency in Berlin. “A haircut is and will remain excluded after the Euro contract.”
Merkel takes Kauder in protecting
19.08 Clock: , Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has Union parliamentary leader Volker Kauder put into protection against criticism by critics of the Greek bailout rate. The CDU politician had threatened to withdraw union delegates who vote this Wednesday against the new aid program for Greece important committee posts. He had drawn great resentment on himself. Although
Merkel stressed on Sunday in the ZDF “summer interview”, everyone is free in its voting behavior. But they defended the same Kauders argument. “The strength of a group and their opinion must be also in the committee reflect” , the Chancellor stressed.
If 80 percent of the Union deputies were for the aid package, it could not be that the CDU / CSU in a committee, the minority opinion represent just because there happened to sit a member of this minority. In July 60 union delegates had voted ‘no’, as it was decided on the opening of negotiations with Athens; . another five abstained
refugees Kos to sleep on a ferry
17.25 Clock: As the FOCUS Online Reporter Philine Lietzmann and Wassilis Aswestopoulos directly Report from Kos, most refugees have accommodation there now found on a ferry. In the night they were brought by workers on the ship. The supply of water and food remains nevertheless very difficult
Greece rescue package. Merkel for debt relief
17.12 Clock: , Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has decidedly more aid for Greece for debt relief before the parliamentary vote. Demands for a haircut but pointed Merkel on Sunday in the ZDF “summer interview” clear back. With interest rates and maturities of the Greek loans, the Chancellor but
That still sees “room for maneuver”. With Greece an agreement had been reached, ultimately, in the opinion of Merkel is also Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) owe. They have constantly been on the last night of negotiations with him in contact, said the Chancellor. On the question of whether Germany’s reputation had suffered through the tough stance of the Federal Government claims, she said: “We had very, very much support,” for example, Ireland and Portugal
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