Wednesday, August 19, 2015

US rating agency Fitch raises Greece’s credit to – STERN

The US rating agency Fitch raised the credit rating of Greece by one notch. The agreement with creditors on a third aid package have reduced the risk that Athens will meet its obligations to private creditors do not fulfill, Fitch said on Tuesday. The CCC rating, the Greek government bonds have still junk status.

The risks are still high, the political situation in Greece remains “unpredictable,” said Fitch. It will also take some time to build up trust between Greece and its creditors was restored. It should also “uncertain” if the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will

participate in the new rescue package.

The Greek parliament had the creditors program for new loans of up to 86 billion euros adopted last week. The euro zone finance ministers gave the green light. The Bundestag agrees on Wednesday on the third aid program for Greece from.


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