Saturday, August 15, 2015

+++ +++ Greece crisis: Bundestag agrees on Wednesday over Greece … – ABC Online

Updated on Saturday, 08.15.2015, 17:55
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Greece its creditors have agreed to a third rescue package. On Wednesday, the Bundestag will vote on it. The IMF calls for further debt relief for Athens. The Greeks thriller Ticker.

  • Third rescue package on the way.
  • Bundestag shall vote on Wednesday.
  • IMF remains open whether he granted more loans.

The facts: The finance ministers of the euro group have paved the way for the third-Greece aid program on Friday evening. You accept in Brussels previously negotiated by expert conditions for planned loans of up to 86 billion euros. These include savings and reforms in Greece at different levels, such as the privatization of state assets. On Wednesday, the Bundestag votes on the aids. An agreement is considered safe. It will be exciting but how many votes Unions MPs against.

Until Thursday Greece needs to get fresh money to repay 3.2 billion euros to the European Central Bank (ECB) can , Should there still be unexpected obstacles until then, a further bridging loan must be found

splits the third bailout Syriza

17.55 clock.? In Greece, the future of Tsipras’ left-wing government is uncertain. In his party Syriza, the gap between supporters of the government and the left wing, who rejects the utility and the associated austerity measures deepened. The left wing wants media said not vote in case of a confidence vote in parliament for Prime Minister. “It stands out an open fracture in Syriza from”, the respected online newspaper reported

Whether it however ever come to such a vote, was not determined on Saturday. If any parts of his party vote against this Tsipras, he faces a defeat because the opposition does not want to support him, unlike in the vote on the austerity measures required for the utility.

Green and FDP criticize the new utility

15.04 Clock: The Greens regard the new Greek aid program as insufficient. To run the euro country permanently out of the crisis, the Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble had (CDU) to abandon his opposition to debt relief, called Green Party leader Simone Peter in Berlin on Saturday. “That can only be achieved through a restructuring and more investment in the sense of a Green New Deal.” The Green Party bosses Katrin Göring-Eckardt and Anton Hofreiter declared: “Without debt relief, the third aid package stands on shaky ground.”

The FDP chairman Christian Lindner warned the Bundestag before to approve the aid package. “So can not work the Greek bailout,” he told the newspaper “Tagesspiegel am Sonntag”. The Greek government must implement reforms that they refuse actually. Without these reforms are more emergency loans but “nothing more than a gift to Athens”.

IMF chief Lagarde insists on further debt relief for Athens

12.28 Clock: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) continues even after the agreement on the Greece aid package on substantial debt relief for Athens. IMF head Christine Lagarde said on Friday, the utility was “a very important step” forward. The debt burden is but “unsustainable” for Greece, it said in a written statement.

More debt relief were necessary . They also left open whether the IMF mitmache at the new utilities. Lagarde was switched on during the discussions in Greece and the euro-zone countries on Friday in Brussels via video link.

In its statement goes on to say that she expected that the Europeans “make decisive debt relief” for a first review of the program concrete commitments and , which went well above previous considerations.

The IMF will work together in the coming months with the Europeans and Greece to find solutions so that they can “further financial assistance to Greece” recommend the IMF leadership.

The IMF is well established on debt relief for Athens, as the country otherwise is unable to get out of the crisis. In an internal study, measures were up to the debt restructuring (“haircut”) into play.

Bundestag agrees on Wednesday on Greece rescue package from

10.38 Clock: The Bundestag agrees on Wednesday in a special session on the new aid package for Greece from. This was announced by a spokesman for the Parliament to request the German Press Agency in Berlin. Other national parliaments have to approve the new aid for the Euro-crisis country yet.

The euro zone finance ministers had paved the way for the third-Greece aid program on Friday evening. The representative of the euro countries was accepted in Brussels the previously negotiated by expert conditions for planned loans of up to 86 billion euros, including savings and reforms at different levels.

Schäuble relies on Greek reform will

08/14/2015, 23.20 Clock: “Now we are confident in the assumption that the new momentum in Greece means that the one now so powerful, as it has been agreed,” said Schäuble.

“We must nonetheless remain cautious, because of course there are large sums of money, which we make available,” Schäuble admitted and referred to the long term of the new loans. In ZDF he stressed that “after the experience of the past years very closely monitor step by step” implementation will. “That is why we also pay only train to train from.”

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